Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks Series 3 Action Figure Johnny Cage Review
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As I continue my quest to uncover the long lost art of living a virtuous life, readers have begun to comment in wonderfully articulate ways, about how, they too, want them back in their lives. One word keeps popping up as I hear from you that I had expected to espouse on sooner or later, but since you keep using it in your emails I thought I'd cover it in this article.
That one word is the virtue respect.
Mr. Webster defines respect as: "to consider worthy of high regard, to refrain from interfering with, an act of giving particular attention: consideration." Respect should be found in many areas of life; I'll try to cover a few of them in this article.
With children we want them to have consideration, and to respect others, their elders, authority, teachers, parents, relatives, virtually anyone they come in contact with. They can decide on their own whether they respect someone and act differently when they get older, but while they are young through their teen years they should show "be considerate and show respect". Children also show respect by having manners, saying please, thank you, excuse me, and meaning it.
As a nation, we are running away at the speed of light from respect in so many aspects of our daily lives that I'm afraid it will disappear entirely someday. I was shocked recently when it was announced that the Federal Communications Commission would now allow the "F" word in certain circumstances in normal programming. Where did respect of decency go?
Common respect of others time, values, morals, religion should be the hallmark of a quality society. By showing respect, we gain honor in our actions, thus obtaining self-esteem and self-respect.
When an individual has self-esteem and self-respect, they expect the same in return because they have come to regard themselves a respectable, responsible and reliable, and therefore deserve it. Without self-respect/esteem humans become angry, depressed and mean.
By teaching children how to have respect and use it properly, we give them a foundation in decency, self-respect and self-esteem, plus, an understanding of quality and class.
The current generation our young have adopted a philosophy that shows respect for the pain of obtaining tattoos and body piercing. Born out of the gang world and prison "tats" as they are called, tattoos have been elevated to "art" that to some, announces to the world they are to be taken seriously as tough, unique, and a rebel of sorts. Some say this is a lifestyle choice; my reply is, if that is the case, then don't complain about it later when the tats don't fit into a new, more grown up or professional lifestyle.
I'll probably take some heat for my position on this one, but not having respect for your body and intentionally subjecting it to pain and disfiguration has no class or quality. It is "body graffiti" which, like the kind found on walls in alleys and trash dumpsters, serves no purpose of the higher self.
Yes, many contend that it is artistic in nature and self-expression, but those who cover large parts of their bodies I feel are doing themselves a dis-service that will limit opportunities in the future. Many of the Hollywood elite and other prominent people who have followed the fad and been tattooed are now getting them removed with even more painful laser treatment.
To carry the current younger generation examination a bit further, I feel they were never taught how to have respect. Their parents came out of a time when you didn't discipline children, not wishing to stunt their expressions or growth, but unfortunately it created an atmosphere of "let kids do what they want and they will pick up virtues from society".
Well, sadly society didn't teach them anything.
These children grew up in day care centers, and then went on to school systems that were told to teach them morals and virtues, but lacked the authority to discipline, so a wild mindset within the kids grew to say, "Do what you want, dude, they can't hurt you, it's the law." The trouble was, they were right; we have created a generation without respect for much of anything good.
Oops, I spoke too quickly; they respect wealth.
A recent report stated that many teens today have a zero work ethic, but a definite respect of those who become wealthy. One doesn't come without the other, unless you don't possess any scruples and turn to crime.
And, we've made full circle haven't we, the tattoos were born out of the prison tats craze. Which then begs the question: Who are the idols of these teens? Who do they really respect? Certainly not any individuals with class and quality and that's a shame. When you emulate someone, you pick up his or her traits, habits and desires. The rappers and gangsta rap have violent, sexist, racist, and selfish lyrics, that's what our young have learned to emulate.
My idols, which I respected greatly while growing up, included:
· My Dad
· John Wayne
· Kirk Douglas,
· Ronald Reagan,
· President Kennedy
· President Eisenhower
· The Beatles
· Winston Churchill
· John Glenn
· Chuck Yeager
· Mario Andretti, (and many more, but space doesn't allow for it.)
Did you see Al Capone, or Machine Gun Kelly, or Bonnie and Clyde on that list? Of course not.
Respect is a virtue that creates an atmosphere of "caring" for yourself and others. We need to instill that philosophy in our young once again before it's too late to save ourselves and our country from a very bleak future that is becoming all to plausible.
In the end, it's one man's opinion, mine.
Thank you for reading; I invite your comments on my articles.
Keith E. Renninson is a motivational speaker and co-author of the popular parenting tool and illustrated storybook for children, "Zooch the Pooch, My Best Friend". Through the 1990's with much self-examination, academic study, bicycle racing, and mountain climbing, he discovered a renewed zest of life, which included a love of metaphysics, philosophy, humor, and writing and speaking. As Keith says, "Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the's all in what you make of it." You can read more about "Zooch the Pooch" or the new book Keith has co-authored "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life", and contact Keith by going to:
Keith and his Zooch co-author Michael Conrad Kelley speak to teens and adults on "The Seven Simple Steps to a More Fulfilling Life." This course focuses on how to build a successful Life Philosophy that works for each individual.
We'd like you and your baby sleeping as restfully as possible. It makes you more alert in the daytime and more able to perform your normal functions more adequately. It helps you to sleep easier if you know your baby sleeping is safe and secure. The issue of cot death is one which none of us really want to consider, but one which needs to be addressed. However slim the possibility of it happening is, the fact is that -- tragically -- it still happens. We want to try to avoid alarm as much as possible; cot death is rare and you shouldn't lose any sleep worrying about it.
This guide provides information based on government guidelines, common sense and parenting experience, about keeping your baby comfortable throughout the night and reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome, or SIDS
We all know what SIDS is, that it's unpredictable, and that there's no absolutely definitive cause. So let's not dwell on the statistics and the speculation. Let's go straight on to talking about how to help your baby get a safe, restful night's sleep, so that you can get a restful night's sleep.
Sleep Position
Side-sleeping -- whereby the blankets are raised or rolled up on one side to encourage your baby to lie on their side -- is not as safe is sleeping lying flat. It's safer for a baby to lie flat on their back. This is comfortable, and it leaves the airways open for easy breathing throughout the night. Don't worry, they're NOT more likely to choke if they're lying on their back.
Since babies' bone tissue is often still very soft and malleable, you'll probably find that the back of their head begins to flatten slightly when your baby is lying on their back at night. Don't let this tempt you start your baby sleeping on their side; their head will become round again as they grow.
If your baby has had a tiring day and is obviously falling asleep wherever they're sat, just encourage them to roll onto their back. Bear in mind though that infants at age five or six months quite often roll over in their sleep. This is completely normal and you shouldn't prevent them from doing so. At this age, they're susceptibility to cot death begins to decrease quickly. When you're putting your baby to sleep, put them on their back, but don't risk waking them if you notice they've rolled over, and certainly don't feel like you should be checking all night.
Where to Sleep
The safest place for your baby sleeping is in a cot in the room with you; but not in the same bed. There's a risk that you could roll over and smother your baby under your body, or your baby could slip and become trapped between the mattress and the wall, or fall to the floor and be injured. Furthermore, your bed is a really big place for a baby to be; the duvets will be too hot and the blankets are easy to become tangled in.
For similar reasons you should be careful of falling asleep with your baby in an armchair or on a sofa. It's very easy for you to move into a position in your sleep which could restrict your baby's access to air. It's safest to put your baby in his or her cot when you're feeling sleepy, despite how pleasant and reassuring it feels to catch forty winks with your baby in your arms.
To prevent your baby from wriggling down the length of the cot and becoming lost under the sheets, which is potentially dangerous, move your baby down to the end of the cot so that their feet are in contact with the foot of the cot. This way, it's very difficult for them to travel far from the position in which you left them when you tucked them in.
What to Sleep on
Your baby will benefit from a firm, flat mattress which fits the cot snugly, leaving no gaps around the edges in which tiny limbs can become trapped. It goes without saying that the mattress (and the entire cot) should be kept clean and hygienic, and a PVC top-sheet on the mattress will help to ensure this. Then, for comfort, cover the top-sheet with a single cotton sheet.
It's important that you keep your baby cool, not hot, so a single sheet will be a sufficient cover in the warm summer months. A duvet or quilt will be too much for them, even in winter, so double the sheets up in
colder weather. For the sake of your baby's safety and comfort, make sure that the covers reach no higher than their shoulders; in fact it's best to leave their arms exposed and tuck them in under their arms. Don't cover their heads, and make sure that they're tucked in tightly and securely so that the covers can't easily slip over their face.
If You Smoke, Quit
Smoking before, during and after pregnancy increases the risk of cot death. The government has been explicitly clear on this, as reflected by their THE LESS YOU SMOKE, THE LOWER THE RISK campaigns. Don't let anyone smoke in the house or anywhere near your baby, and don't go into smoky environments. Fortunately this is far easier than ever before thanks to the nationwide smoking ban. Cigarette smoke is highly, highly toxic, and you should avoid being in the same room as your baby if you've had a cigarette in the last 30 minutes, and you should not let your baby sleep in the same bed with you if you are a smoker.
It's worth noting that if you're a smoker and you're pregnant, then you'll have to quit cold turkey. Even nicotine patches are unhealthy for your baby. (Don't worry, quitting cold turkey isn't nearly as hard as everyone makes out. Just do it.)
Making your Baby Comfortable
Evidence suggests introducing a dummy at the beginning of sleep periods might reduce the risk of SIDS, but it's best to wait until after your baby is a month old and breastfeeding has been established before you offer
your baby a dummy.
Babies will be comfortable in around 18 degrees Celsius, and become very distressed if they feel like they're overheating. Make sure their cot is not next to any radiators, and that hats are removed from babies as soon as they enter warm houses or vehicles, even if you have to wake your baby.
To Recap
So to summarize all this information in bullet point form:
* Place your sleeping baby on his or her back
* After six months, don't interfere if you notice they've rolled over
* Consider putting your baby's cot in your bedroom
* Don't let your baby sleep in your bed, or fall asleep with your baby in your arms
* Use a firm mattress which fits the cot perfectly
* Don't allow your baby to overheat at night
* Don't expose your baby to smoke from any source
Sweet dreams!
Oliver's Babycare
Olivers Babycare, complete online baby store has been in the nursery business since 1993 and only sell baby products they trust and think you'll love.
For further information please visit Olivers Babycare.
Business news for 2010
Mergers and acquisitions will occur in the metal and wood industries. Industries that would do well would be fire related. Restaurants, lighting, fast food chains, bakery shops and those utilizing electricity. So the IT/Computer industry is another bright spot.
Industries that would not fair so well would include chemicals, cosmetics, pet shops, renovation, agriculture and construction. These are all earth related.
Education, pulp and paper, timber, and furniture will be another bright spot as they represent wood. Wood symbolizes growth and education is about personal growth.
Health for 2010
The most vulnerable parts of the body would include the lungs, throat area, the vertebrae and the neck. Reason? Think about this, how does a Tiger hunt their prey? They tend to attack the neck area by gnawing on them.
Rat - 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924
People born in this year often manifest characteristics of a different species that is more resistant to nature. In the Chinese Zodiac, the rats have considerable qualities of resistance and persistence. The rat also has the ability to adapt and move forward. The problem with the rat is that if it faces a difficult circumstance, it can break under pressure.
For those born in the year of the Rat, this will be an average year for you. There will be obstacles at work but overall, it will be a quiet year for you. Doing part-time education is a good way to fight boredom. In terms of investments, don't expect major gains. It is also a year of travel for you.
The Tiger is the travel star of the Rat, therefore, movement is expected for you, whether it is travelling or moving to a new home. For those working in a multinational corporation, there is a greater possibility for you to be sent off to a different city to work in.
Health will generally be good. Just be careful during the period between mid-June to mid July. If you are married, you'll be happy at home. For those who are single and have a target, give it a try.
Ox - 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925
People born in this year are workers and are tireless just like buffalos/cows dragging plows. These people can withstand considerable pressure and support a heavy load. The Ox tends to be conservative and usually stay in the same job or profession for a long period of time. They want to stay economical and do not want to run into any risks.
This is another average year for you but at least it's better than last year. I'm sure many of you prefer not to talk about last year as you violated the ruling animal which we call the "Grand Duke". There won't be any major changes in the work place or at home. In terms of investments, it is better to put money in safer investments like GICs, bonds and long term savings. You will probably end up spending money on special events and weddings.
In terms of health, the Ox tends to work extra hard, therefore, you need to sleep early and take extra care of your health. Proper vitamins and exercising is the way to go.
If you are married, you should find some time to be together. Try not to think about work every night and day. If you are single, romance will be there and mid-June to mid-July will present opportunities for you.
Tiger - 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926
The Tiger experiments with the total force of his energy with overwhelming intensity. The tiger in his natural habitat have an immense field of energy found in constant and intimate interaction with the environment that surrounds it. The force of the tiger is profoundly and deeply sensitive. Even when they are resting, they are like a loaded gun at rest, ready to fire. Their influence can be considerable, both in business and people relations.
This is an inauspicious year for you. Those born in the year of the Tiger offend the Grand Duke, in Chinese, it is called "Fan Tai Sui". The Grand Duke is the ruling energy that causes instability to those who share the energy of the year, as a result, thinking may not be clear and it is easier to make the wrong decisions. Wealth should not be exposed. For you, it is better to lay low. Take care of your belongings as it is easy for you to attract robbers' attention for this year.
Health can be a problem for you. Be extra careful if you drive a lot. There is a conflict between the Metal and the Tiger energy of this year. There is a month where you have to pay particular attention to regarding health. That is the month of the Monkey as it clashes with the ruling animal. The month of the Monkey begins on August 10th and ends on September 7th in 2010. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels must be monitored. Stay away from alcohol and lust. Getting away between mid August and mid September is advised. Symptoms in health includes minor sickness, emotional imbalance, and minor misfortunes.
There are greater possibilities for romance in the month of the Rabbit for those who are single. That would be between mid-March to mid-April. For those who are married, avoid arguments.
Remedies include using a Pig talisman. Wearing a talisman of a 'pi you' dog is also another possibility.
Rabbit - 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927
The Rabbit is gentle and kind and tends to have a wide group of friends and family. They enjoy entertaining at home and ensures that their home is comfortable and organized. Change is not immediately embraced by the Rabbit as they will think over every detail before making any decisions.
This is a very lucky year for you which will include possibilities of promotion and money luck. Money will come and go but career will definitely be positive. Health and investment will be very positive for 2010. Head injury is a possibility for you so be careful especially in the Autumn.
In relationships, the Rabbit for the year of the Tiger is a Peach Blossom star which means there could be signs of unwanted romance in your life. Don't allow a third party to ruin your marriage. If you are single, there are plenty of opportunities for you so be patient and scope out all the possibilities before diving into a relationship.
Dragon - 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
The Dragon is seen as one of the most powerful and lucky animals in the Chinese Zodiac. It is proud, courageous and charismatic. The dragon also possesses many talents and they are intelligent. The dragon can influence others with their ideas and advice but they do not like to listen to anyone else but themselves. They can achieve a considerable amount if they put their mind to it but their main objective is power.
This is an average year for you. The Tiger is the travel star of the Dragon, so expect a bit of travelling and movement. Whatever you do, you must be very very careful. Be more meticulous in your work. If you run a business, there are potentials for lawsuits in business dealings. Re-read and review your documents before signing them. In terms of money and work, Dragons could face heavy losses in financial matters. Donating would be one way to ward of the bad energy. Do not make hasty decisions at work or in business and avoid major investments.
Health is not favorable for you this year. Rest early and see a doctor immediately if there is anything wrong. Exercise regularly and avoid beef, mutton, and pork. Beware of the lunar month of the Dog which is between October 8th and November 5th. There is a high possibility for those born in the year of the dragon to come down with the flu.
Regarding relationships, if you are single and suddenly encounter some romance, it will not last unless you change your own behavior. Lower your temper and avoid being jealous. There are opportunities in the month of the Rooster, between September 8th and October 7th for you to meet more people and make new friends.
Snake - 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
The Snake is very smart, popular, and slick. They are sometimes perceived as lazy. The snake usually wait until the situation presents itself before they strike. They are very determined in their work and they work very hard until the job is done. Snakes also use their gut instincts when making important decisions. The snake is usually a very cautious animal.
This is a mixed year for you and it depends on whether you also have a Monkey in your chart. You have to be careful if you have a Monkey in your chart because it will result in the "triple punishment" or "triple penalty" which combines with the Tiger. Bickering, lawsuits, legal issues, and backstabbing will be experienced.
Things should be smooth as long as the Monkey is avoided. One way of verifying whether the Tiger would do any harm to you this year is to see what happened in 1998. That was also the year of the Tiger. If nothing dramatic happened to you that year, you should have a very smooth year. There will be big achievements and you should avoid changing jobs. Money luck should come from career or even from random investments. Stick with blue chip stocks or mutual funds if you decide to invest. Avoid high risk penny stocks. There is a guide star for you where women will come to assist you if you are in need of it.
There are possibilities of robberies, thefts or car accidents. Try to get away in the month of November if you can. Travelling, donating to charity, and volunteering in November is advised.
In terms of health, it may not be as good for you. There is a tendency to catch a flu or cold. Take your vitamins. Mid-August to Mid September is the month for you to be careful. Travelling or getting away during that month is the best way to avoid problems.
Regarding relationships, guard yourself against false relationships if you are single this year. For those who are single, there are greater opportunities for you in between mid-June and mid-July.
Horse - 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
The Horse is full of energy and they need a lot of space to run around. They are not the type that would sit down in a 9-5 job. The horse fears being trapped in any circumstances whether it is at work or at home. They are constantly on the move and it can result in impatience on their part. On the other hand, they are fast thinkers and can make quick decisions.
This would be good for you. The Horse is friends with the Tiger. For those who are born in the Year of the Tiger, you might be wise to stick with the Horse. The Horse is part of a Fire Alliance/Trio with the Tiger and the Dog. There may be some obstacles at work so your are advised to be mindful of what you do and go with the flow of the events. Don't fight the tape and argue with your boss. Follow the flow is the best way to label the Horse as it wants to follow the "fire flow".
For money, luck through good fortune should surround you and investments in high risk stocks can reap huge rewards for you. Just ensure that fire is favorable to your chart. Just because you're born in the year of the Horse, it doesn't mean that you'll all get rich through high risk investments.
Health is generally good for you, however, avoid water sports or going to snowy places. There will be danger with water. If your chart enjoys a fire flow, it is better to go with the flow. Using water to fight the fire will result in mishaps. Be aware of your health especially in the month of December.
In relationship matters, if you are married or dating someone, you should be able enjoy a nice period of happiness. On the other hand, if you are single, it may take awhile for you to meet the right partner. Opportunities do exist between mid-March and mid-April.
Goat - 2003. 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Goats are creative and intuitive and they would make good artisans or teachers. They can be overly sensitive and insecure. Goats need a lot of support from their friends and families because of their insecurity. They are day dreamers and are more comfortable being alone when they are thinking.
It will be a good year for you. There is a star that enters your life called the "Tian Xi", meaning that you'll be attending good and happy events this year. This could come in the form of a marriage or some sort of a ceremony. This year will definitely be smoother than last year. The year of the Ox must have been trying at times since it clashed with the Goat. If you ran into a slew of bad luck last year, don't despair because this year will be much more stable as the negative energy of the Ox dissipates.
You might find it difficult to save money this year and it may be an important issue to you. In terms of work, it is a year of stability for you so don't expect major changes.
Your health is not so favorable for this year but it is definitely better than last year. If you are married, be mindful of your emotions and watch how they can cause quarrels. If you are single, there will be romance but it can result in arguments with your parents.
Monkey - 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
The Monkey is energetic, charming and optimistic. They are also adventurous and crave for new ideas and activities. The monkey is very straight forward and cannot hide their feelings. They enjoy showing off their creativity and charm to their friends. If there is one word to describe monkeys, 'fun' is the word.
Those born in the year of the Monkey will experience difficulties this year. Why? Because the Monkey clashes energetically with the Tiger. Tips for those born in the year of the Monkey: 1. Avoid attending funerals and weddings. 2. When faced with arguments, it is better to let go than to force your way through them. The Tiger is your travel star so expect a lot of travelling for this year.
Try to carry a Dragon or a Rat figurine as it will prevent the Tiger from attacking the monkey. Hang out with people born in the year of the Rat or Dragon.
It is better to invest overseas if possible. There will be gossips about you at work. Just stay low and you'll be fine.
Regarding health, it is better to get more sleep and exercise. The head and neck area may be vulnerable.
There will be arguments if you are in a relationship. If you are single, it is better for you to tread carefully. Of course, if you meet a Rat or a Dragon, that's a different story as they will help you ward of a clash with the Tiger.
Rooster - 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Roosters are observers and they are meticulous in everything that they do. Their perfectionist nature can annoy the people around them. They love to be the center of attention. The rooster can be loyal and trustworthy friends. Think about it, the rooster screams early in the morning at the same time, they are a timely and trustworthy animal, but on the flip side, they could be annoying at times. The main characteristic of the rooster is their great attention to details, therefore, these people would thrive in work requiring great precision and accuracy.
This is a good year for you. There are positive/lucky stars and there are also some bad ones. Fortunately, most roosters are optimistic, hence, they will be able to clear hurdles much easily than others. If you are working, be aware of hidden enemies at work. Try not to engage in any long discussions at work because it can turn into a heated debate.
In terms of health, you may catch a flu early in the year especially in the month of the Rabbit, that is between March 16-April 13. Take care of the lungs with morning exercises because it will be more vulnerable. This is not a good year for you to change jobs. The Tiger is the Guard star for the Rooster, therefore, you should be well protected from any negative incidents.
Family members will be harmonious towards you.
Dog - 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Dogs are wonderful and loyal friends to have around. They can become stubborn and emotionally unstable at times. Dogs can make great business people since they have the ability to discern the true motives of others. They are serious and intelligent and they commit to noble causes. Dogs are constantly working to make the world a better place.
For Dogs, this is a good year for you as the Dog is friends with the Tiger. Those who are working should not encounter problems in the workplace. If you are looking for a career change or if you notice good job openings, you should go for it. Even though it is a good year for Dogs, those in business have to be careful of lawsuits and business deals.
Health wise, you may overwork yourself on the job so make sure you rest up! Health issues for you would stem from backaches and stomach troubles.
Relationship should be smooth for those who are married or in a relationship. For those who are single, your lucky break to meet someone comes in between mid-March and mid-April.
Pig - 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935
Pigs are generous and honorable. They make great friends because of their refusal to see the negative side of people. Pigs care about their friends and family and work hard to ensure that everyone in their life is happy. They are constantly working hard to improve themselves and others.
Pigs will enjoy an excellent year. It is going to be fantastic for you both in your career and wealth. However, the pig has to be humble at all times or others may become jealous of you and that may lead to problems. You can consider using spare money to invest in stocks or just simply save them for future use. Health should also be exceptional.
In terms of relationships, things should go smoothly for those who are in a relationship. On the other hand, if you are single, you have plenty of opportunities to meet new friends especially in December.
To find out more about Feng Shui and Destiny, please go to White Dragon Consulting. Jerry received private BaZi/Four Pillars of Destiny and I Ching training from Dr. Lily Chung in San Francisco, a world renowned expert in Eastern Metaphysics specializing in Four Pillars and the I Ching. Jerry is considered as one of Lily's top students. He provides private Feng Shui and Four Pillars training in both English and Chinese. He is currently translating Chinese Four Pillars literature and writing a book on the Four Pillars of Destiny in English. Jerry is also researching on how cosmic flow in the Four Pillars affect one's health. He is based in Vancouver, Canada.
Do you remember the 1980s? Big hair, big shoulder pads, big snoods, and big trousers? It was a strange time to be live through, even as a kid (let's be honest). The world was gripped by the ongoing tensions of the Cold War, Islamic militancy and the response of the United States and its allies was first emerging as the deadly 'clash of civilizations' that we have now become so wearily familiar with, unregulated free market capitalism was rampant (and eventually to be triumphant over its ideological foe in Communism). For some in the Western world anything seemed possible, all the vices as well as the virtues. It was the age of new technologies, when we first truly became tied the electronic world around us - and fell in love with it. Home computers were beginning to creep into homes, along with computer game consoles (anyone remember Atari or the Sinclair ZX Spectrum?). TVs were now all-colour machines - and had infrared remotes to boot. Microwaves were the in-thing and car makers had discovered wind-tunnels and computer-aided design. Television frequently reflected this age of 'the new', especially at the populist end of the scale, and shows based around gimmicks and big ideas (especially technological ideas) became de rigueur.
Into this wild arena of Cold War paranoia and the slow seduction of technology came two very similar TV series based around one single idea - crazy, souped-up super-helicopters. In the blue corner stood 'Bluethunder', from the U.S. network ABC. In the red (actually slightly bluer) corner stood 'Airwolf' from the rival CBS network, and the production company of legendary television producer Donald Bellisario, maker of such hits as 'Magnum, P.I.' (1980-1988) and 'Quantum Leap' (1989-1993). Both shows got off to promising starts albeit from very different angles. 'Bluethunder' was an unexpected TV spinoff from a modest box office hit of the same name in 1983 starring the legendary Roy Scheider as a police helicopter pilot tasked with evaluating a new high-tech super-helicopter for law enforcement use (in reality a heavily adapted French-built AĆ©rospatiale Gazelle). The movie was fun, if a typically Hollywood OTT affair, largely thanks to Scheider's typically charismatic performance. The 1984 television series followed much of the same formula as its movie predecessor, with relatively well-known small screen actor James Farentino taking the lead role and was notable for the presence of Dana Carvey, then a relative unknown, who played the co-pilot to Farention's pilot, before he found later fame with the long-running American TV comedy show 'Saturday Night Live' and the succeeding movie 'Wayne's World' (1992). With a fairly formulaic 1980s cop show narrative, interspersed with poor special effects (mostly interior shots of the helicopter, with repetitious exterior scenes of the helicopter in action taken from the original movie), the show never really took off and was soon eclipsed in the ratings war by its arch rival 'Airwolf'. After just one season the show was cancelled by the bosses at CBS unwilling to see beyond that week's ratings.
Also hitting the small screen in 1984, 'Airwolf' was a decidedly different creature from the not very believable cop procedural with a novelty factor that 'Bluethunder' rapidly descended into. With a steely-eyed Jan-Michael Vincent in the lead role, and Hollywood veteran Ernest Borgnine as his trusty side-kick, the series could be best described as 'Knightrider' with wings (or chopper blades). The stories frequently turned on Cold War or espionage issues, and those that didn't normally involved the team taking on criminal gangs or corrupt politicians and business men around the United States. With a decidedly cooler looking helicopter (a slightly adapted Bell 222), and better special effects (albeit with a stock of repetitive long distant shots of the helicopter in flight - usually over desert locations), the stories eventually followed much the same formulaic route of American family-friendly TV drama in the 1980s, after an initially slightly darker and more nuanced start. There were frequent references to the Vietnam War, and fairly crude anti-Communist propaganda, and Latin America was a favorite locale of many episodes, as were Middle Eastern terrorists, with the evils of socialism, Islam, and narcotics being a frequent target. Despite some liberal flourishes the show was very much of a conservative United States and the Regan White House and in later seasons it became more concerned with purely domestic American affairs, and more straightforwardly a high-octane action series.
Eventually running far longer than its fellow helicopter rival, 'Airwolf' managed to chalk up four seasons, including a jarring replacement of almost the entire cast in the fourth, before hitting the skids. It was never exactly noted for its stellar acting, with stilted, unimaginative scripts, and stereotypes in place of real characters for most of its run (including the one-eyed, patch-wearing spy-master who controlled the 'Airwolf' team). At times it seemed to take on the elements of some sort of third-rate superhero pastiche (complete with secret hideaway in the desert), and whatever creativity or originality that featured in the first season was soon sacrificed in the desperate pursuit of ratings and advertising revenue.
Both shows are available on DVD, a slight DVD edition for 'Bluethunder' and a larger, boxed-set for 'Airwolf'. Though popular viewing at the time among kids and young adults, both retain a vaguely cult following today, mainly in the U.S. and from the same fans of 'Knight Rider'. In all honestly time has not been kind to them, and unlike some other quasi-Science Fiction series from the 1980s neither have aged well. The Cold War seems very far away now - though perhaps not quite as far as we like to think.
Seamas O Sionnaigh
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