Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Using Soy Wax For Aromatherapy Candles

In recent years, both the use of soy wax and the practice of aromatherapy have grown by leaps and bounds. So why not unite the two? Welcome to the world of aromatherapy soy candles. Before the invention of soy wax in 1992, there was really no all-natural and practical way of creating an aromatherapy candle. Since then, and especially in the last few years, the use of aromatherapy soy candles has become almost commonplace.

You may ask, why use soy wax for aromatherapy candles? Why not just use paraffin?

First let's define aromatherapy. In this case, it is the use of essential oils to aid in physical, psychological and emotional well being. More specifically, it is the use of the aroma of these oils. When you combine these powerful aromas with non-natural chemicals, you are no longer inhaling the pure aroma of the essential oils.

When you use paraffin as a medium to disperse these essential oils into the air, you are also dispersing the chemicals contained in the paraffin itself, which many consider to be harmful. The petro-carbon soot produced from paraffin and the carcinogens that are released into the air disrupt the healing properties of these delicate essential oils, in effect, contaminating the aroma.

When you burn aromatherapy soy candles, petro-carbon soot is not released into the air. Soy wax burns cleaner and also much cooler than paraffin wax, so when the essential oils are released into the air, they are not contaminated or overheated, thus disrupting the chemical properties that give essential oils their healing power.

One of the main advantages of burning an aromatherapy soy candle as opposed to a paraffin candle infused with essential oils is the scent throw of soy wax. Scent throw is basically how a candle releases fragrance into the air, its effectiveness in releasing that fragrance, how much fragrance is released and how long it stays in the air. If a candle is said to have a strong scent throw that simply means a lot of scent is released into the air. But there are other factors to take into account.

Soy wax burns cooler, which has a dramatic effect on the way in which an aromatherapy soy candle throws the scent. Because the melted wax is much cooler than paraffin, the release of essential oils is steadier and more long lasting. A soy candle may take a bit longer to release its fragrance into the air, but the result is a cleaner and longer lasting smell.

So why burn aromatherapy soy candles?

  1. Soy wax burns clean and therefore does not interfere with the healing properties of the essential oils being released into the air.

  2. Soy wax burns cooler and therefore better disperses the essential oils for a longer lasting experience.

  3. Soy wax is cost effective. It burns much longer than paraffin and in the end, is actually less expensive.

Aromatherapy soy candles continue to become more and more popular, but we at Promethean Candle Boutique leave the decision in your capable hands and continue to offer paraffin, soy and palm wax candles for both casual use and use in aromatherapy. Get the full story at http://www.prometheancandle.com

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