Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jean Paul Gaultier - Fragrances Available

If you are looking for either cologne or perfume by Jean Paul Gaultier, you have a lot of fragrances to choose from. Here is a quick rundown of your options...


If you are looking for a cologne from Jean Paul Gaultier you have three fragrances from which to choose from. Le Mâle was introduced in 1995. Gaultier 2 is a unisex fragrance and Fleur du Mâle came out in 2007. By far the most popular mens' cologne is Le Mâle. Not only is this brand cologne the best selling one from this manufacturer, it is the #1 selling cologne in all of Europe! The reviews on it from sites such as Amazon were very positive, with users saying that their lady friends loved it. Fleur du Mâle, the most recent cologne has a sweet scent, which does not smell to feminine.


Classique was released in 1993 and Fragile came out in the year 2000. Gaultier 2 is a unisex fragrance and Madame is the latest perfume from Jean Paul Gaultier. Classique, the more popular perfume, contains amber, vanilla, and wood. Fragile has a floral blend. In other words, it smells a lot like flowers. Gaultier 2 has a sweet scent. Gaultier 2 is very long lasting and smells sweet as well. Because it is unisex, the bottle seems to really bring out the "together" theme.

Aside from the aforementioned colognes and perfumes, there are variations available from Jean Paul Gaultier's official website. From their website you can also get a custom engraved bottle.

Nick has a more detailed look in Jean Paul Gaultier Perfume and Jean Paul Gaultier Cologne.

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