Monday, October 18, 2010

How Would A Fashion Stylist Define Being Underdressed?

Being fashionable does not mean that you always have to wear dressy and flashy clothes. This means that you wear the right clothes at the right time and place. Many people sometimes find it difficult to choose appropriate clothes for the occasion. They either end up overdressed or underdressed. Both are considered as fashion dilemmas. However, this article will discuss about being underdressed and how a fashion stylist defines this fashion faux pas.

There are a few things that a stylist considers to know whether her client is wearing appropriate clothes. These factors include the event itself, the venue, guests, and even the weather. You also have to look at these things before you choose an outfit. Some tips are common sense, while others are learned through experience. It is important not to be underdressed especially if you are meeting important people, like in corporate events or functions. It is okay to be slightly underdressed, like not wearing accessories. What you should avoid is to be too underdressed, like wearing a t-shirt and jeans to a formal event. To further understand this fashion mistake and to know how a fashion adviser defines being underdressed, check out the paragraphs below.

- If your clothes are too casual for the event that you are going to attend, your fashion stylist would say that you are underdressed. Like the example given in the previous paragraph, wearing jeans and t-shirt to a formal event is being underdressed. Another example is if you wear a cotton dress to a ball. It is important that you wear the right clothes to prevent feeling awkward and sticking out like a sore thumb at the party. Just imagine going to a party and finding out that everyone wears evening gowns and tuxedos and you are the only one wearing a beach dress. It would be really awkward and uncomfortable.

- Another definition of being underdressed is if you do not wear enough accessories. Accessories like earrings, bracelet, necklaces, and rings add sparkle to your outfit. They also make your outfit look like a million dollar ensemble. You should wear at least one kind of accessory or a couple at most. Do not go overboard, though, or you might end up looking like a Christmas tree. The rule is two kinds of accessories in an outfit. Do not wear all of your accessories at the same time.

- A fashion consultant would also define being underdressed as not wearing makeup. Make sure that you do not look pale and sickly. It is important to wear lipstick, blush-on, eye makeup, and foundation to give color and life to your face. The right makeup also emphasizes your good facial features such as high cheekbones, full lips, or high nose.

- Your hair should also be styled properly especially if you are going to a formal event. It is okay to wear your hair casually if you are going to a casual event or place but if you are attending a formal occasion, then you should do something with your hair. This is also a factor that tells your fashion stylist whether you are underdressed or not.

Be sure to visit the #1 resource for fashion, and discover Australia's #1 Fashion Stylist by visiting the following website:

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