Friday, January 7, 2011

Where Should I Place Nanny Cameras in My House?

One of the questions I often get asked is where someone should place nanny cameras in their house. This is a very good question and by the time you have finished reading this article I hope that you will have a much better understanding of some of the places that child safety devices, or nanny cameras as they are often called, can and should be placed.

I will start off with the obvious locations

The Child's Bedroom

There are several places in a kids bedroom that you can place hidden cameras and there are several types that are made specifically to fit into a kids bedroom.

There are some spy cameras that are functioning smoke detectors with a very small camera inside them that would work great in a kids room. And you get the added functionality of the smoke detector to go along with it.

There are stuffed animals that can be placed on shelves, in the corner of the room, or on a dresser. Just make sure to place them in a way that is natural. As an example, you could pile several stuffed animals together with one having a hidden nanny camera in it.

One last option before I move on to the next room is an air purifier that has a hidden spy camera in it. Again, you get the added benefit of the air purification unit along with the security of the nanny cam.

OK, the next rooms are also probably obvious as well and that would be where the child is going to spend most of his/her time while they are awake.

The Playroom, Living Room, or a Family Room

This is where you have to take a little bit of time and think about what the habits of your child are (or the nanny or babysitter if your child is an infant) and decide where you think they are going to spend the most time.

One of the things you could use in these rooms are hidden camera clocks. There are a ton of options here to match just about any decor. Again, you are going to want to place it where it is natural, but where you can see as much of the room as possible.

Several other options would be a tissue holder (yes, even tissue holders can come with hidden nanny cameras), a cordless phone, lamps, the good ole smoke alarm that I mentioned earlier, and even an electrical outlet.

Now lets get to some of the less obvious places.

The Kitchen

Your children do have to eat don't they?

This means they will be spending at least a little bit of time in the kitchen. Again, most of the hidden cameras that were listed above, will work here as well.

The Yard

One last place you might want to consider if you actually have one, is the yard. It really depends on how old your kids are and if they spend much time outside or not.

I really hope that this article got you thinking about some of the places that you can put a hidden nanny camera in your house.

The main thing that I want you to take away from this article is that you need to take a little bit of time and think about your children's habits, or if they are an infant, the habits of your nanny or babysitter. Place the hidden cameras in the locations that you think they will be spending most of their time.

Here's to keeping your children safe!

Sam "The Security Man" Logsdon is an security expert with experience dating back to before Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Sam specializes in nanny camera systems, covert surveillance systems, and GPS tracking systems. For more information on nanny camera systems please visit Sam at

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