Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Wonderful World Of Hello Kitty

Surely you have heard of the little cartoon kitten aptly named Hello Kitty? Who would have thought a simple cartoon character would 35 years later turn out to be a worldwide icon loved by millions of kids and adults. Originally created by the Japanese firm Sanrio, Hello Kitty first appeared on the scene in 1974 on a new line of greeting cards. Before anyone knew what was happening the lovable feline was being displayed on all kinds of merchandise.

Today you can find Hello Kitty on pens, lunch boxes, clothing, appliances, dolls and toys to just name a few. It seems she has been just about everywhere imaginable at some point. So just who exactly is she?

Not many people know the full story, but her full name is Kitty White and she lives with her parents, along with a sister named Mimmy, and they reside in London. however that is not important to most of her admirers, it seems the fact that she is cute and adorable that has such mass appeal.

It should be noted that Hello Kitty has a huge adult following as well. In fact in Japan, in the 1990's a theme park was opened. New merchandise appeared that even included hello kitty bedding. Although targeted at children I would venture to say many of these items are purchased and used by grownups.

One thing that's widely agreed on is the fact the adorable kitten is loved worldwide. Many kids grew up with Hello Kitty, and that love has carried over into adulthood. I'm sure this will be the case for generations to come.

Hello Kitty products are known and loved worldwide. Please visit Hello Kitty Bedding to learn more about the adorable feline and related items.

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