Monday, January 7, 2013

Kids' Toys

This holiday season I told my friend what I was going to get her daughter for Christmas. In response my friend sent me a link to a toy that her daughter had pointed out as wanting. The toy was nice, but it was trendy and I really wanted to get her something that she would be able to cherish for years to come.

Many parents feel the pull of buying their children what the kids think they want, usually stuff that looks cool on commercials set to hip music and other kids having fun. It is important to be able to strike a compromise. Yes, some trendy kids' toys are really cool and your child will probably have fun with it --- for a while, anyway. There is nothing wrong with getting a popular kids' toy. The trick is to sift through the barrage of commercialized kids' toys and find the toys that are in line with your child's interests and skills.


To help parents get good ideas for kids' toys it is helpful to set a practice of limiting trendy toys to one or two and then investing in some quality toys that entertain, teach and can become keepsakes over the years. If you don't live in a town with creative kids' toys shops check online. You can even let your child browse sites and point out toys that interest him or her.

Kids' Toys

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