Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Great Price Educational Insights 1992 for $49.95

Math Readiness Center (Teaching Tiles Early Learning System) Review

Math Readiness Center (Teaching Tiles Early Learning System) Feature

  • Learn basic math skills such as counting, sequencing, patterning and money values
  • Large, chunky tiles with full-color pictures
  • Sturdy, plastic work tray
  • Self-checking activity cards
  • Manipulatives make learning fun

Math Readiness Center (Teaching Tiles Early Learning System) Overview

Pre-K & up. Develops beginning math skills including colors, shapes, numbers, counting, sequencing, patterning, and money values. Includes 100 tiles, 50 activity cards, activity guide andtray with storage compartment.

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Update Post: Jun 30, 2010 12:40:16

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The History of Sylvanian Families

Various companies are currently distributing the Toys in different parts of the world. The characters of the series are grouped into families of woodland creatures. These creatures include mice, hedgehogs, bears and beavers, which is appropriate considering they use the word "sylvan", which is a term that means "of the forest". The animals are anthropomorphic, meaning they are given the attributes of humans such as human emotions and facial expressions.

Sylvanian Families were a large part of the rush in collectible Toys in the 1990's, king of which would be Ty's Beanie Babies, as well as the Teletubbies. These Toys were mainly popular for their collectability with the occasional rare Toy selling for far more than their original retail value, adding a sort of treasure hunt feel to the collecting experience.

In 1985, the line was released in both North America and Japan under the name Sylvanian Families, though there were some minor differences in the characters and packaging. Their success led to their release in Western Europe by 1987, and by 1988 they were considered a major success worldwide, prompting the creation of an animated series based on the line of toys. An animated series also ran in Spain and the United Kingdom, and was showing in the United States early in the 1990's on Nick Jr, a segment of the Nickelodeon network that caters mainly to young children. The American animated program was co-produced in France and Japan by DIC Enterprises, Inc, who is also responsible for such popular children's shows as The Real Ghostbusters, and the first two seasons of the English adaptation of Sailor Moon.

Sylvanian Families has, throughout its history, been very popular as a collectible item, and even won "Toy of the Year" from the British Association of Toy Retailers three years consecutively from 1987 through 1989.

Tomy, which was the company that had been distributing the toys around the world, no longer owned the rights to the name "Sylvanian Families" in North America by 1993. The line was then reintroduced under the name Calico Critters, which is currently still distributed in the United States and Canada by the company International Playthings, LLC.

By the end of the millennia, the popularity of the toys had begun dwindling, and the line had been completely discontinued in the United Kingdom. Since then, however it has been picked up by Flair, which is a toy manufacturer that produces a wide range of toys, most notably the Etch-A-Sketch and Stickle Bricks. Sylvanian Families has also been reintroduced to the Australian market and is again becoming widely available in addition to International Plaything's Calico Critters.

In the UK, Sylvanian Families celebrated its 20th anniversary with a few new items in 2007. The best selling toys in this group consisted of the Otter boat and the reintroduction of the Dalmatian Family that now wore party hats reading "Happy 20th!" Because these Dalmatian Family plushes are different than the originals, the original plushes are sure to be some of the more expensive collector's items in the series.

Jenny Talorman is an amateur writer who enjoys learning and educating people on a range of topics including; childrens toys, dolls, Sylvanian Families and baking. If you have any feedback on this article please feel free to get in touch.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Check Out Rack-O - 1992 Parker Brothers

Rack-O - 1992 Parker Brothers Review

Related Products

Update Post: Jun 28, 2010 12:00:09

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hot Wheels Immediate Success and Impact on Matchbox

The Matchbox brand of cars dominated the die-cast Toy car industry for decades. In fact, they had no real competitors during their reign as the only prominent die-cast Toy car maker. That is until Mattel introduced their line of Hot Wheels in 1968 and had immediate success. Matchbox's sales in America dropped from $28 million to $6 million in the following year. There are a number of reasons why Mattel's new line had such an immediate success.

The first and primary reason for their overnight success was the wheels. Co-Founder of Mattel, Elliot Handler, had created new wheels that are described as 'friction-less.' These new wheels allowed the cars to race at up to 200 mph (for the scale of the car). These 'hot' wheels allowed Mattel's line to quickly surpass all competitors, both car to car and sales to sales. Children simply enjoyed having a Toy car that ran much faster down the plastic track.

Mattel's new line also had a great advantage starting out. The Lesney company (forerunner to Matchbox) started from scratch with a condemned building, limited funding, and grew out of a die-casting company's slow season. Mattel was the leading company in many toy categories and had highly successful lines of toys like 'Barbie' and 'See N Say'. In fact, when Mattel introduce Hot Wheels, they did so with a $10 million advertising campaign. They also had an advantage in the production of their cars. They had their models build in places like China and the Far East, where labor costs were significantly less than in England, where Matchbox originated.

Another huge factor that caused Mattel's cars to be successful in America was the fact that it was an American company. Their initial success was limited to the United States and sent Matchbox sales in America plummeting as stated earlier. Matchbox was able to maintain a foothold in the die-cast toy car industry due to its worldwide sales.

Hot Wheels also became widely popular immediately because of the models they chose to produce. Matchbox had primarily produced their cars years after the actual car or vehicle was produced. Mattel's line primarily used the designs of the American made muscle cars and hot rods of the fifties and sixties. They also tended to customize the cars the way many car enthusiasts did in Southern California, with the rear end jacked up and flames or other graphics painted on the body. These design characteristics helped Hot Wheels succeed in America because kids could now race around the living room with the cars they saw on the streets and their older siblings drove.

In 1969, a year and a half after Mattel introduced its fast wheeled cars, Matchbox themselves came out with faster wheels and more contemporary models. The two companies then remained neck and neck in the toy car world for many years. It wasn't until the 1990's that Hot Wheels began to pull away from Matchbox and become the clear industry leader. Ironically, after the matchbox brand was sold to Universal Toys and then Tyco, it was purchased by Mattel.

Author Wesley Skiles is creator of - a novice collector and father of two boys that love die-cast cars.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Check Out 1992 O-Pee-Chee Baseball Wax Box

1992 O-Pee-Chee Baseball Wax Box Review

1992 O-Pee-Chee Baseball Wax Box Feature

  • All boxes are guaranteed unopened and factory sealed if issued this way by the manufacturer

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Update Post: Jun 26, 2010 11:30:10

Friday, June 25, 2010




  • HW Performance Series #7 of 10
  • NITTO, N, and Hot Wheels Tampos
  • Bright Metallic Red

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Update Post: Jun 25, 2010 11:10:17

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The School Battleground

The schools are on the front line of an epidemic. Through their nurses they hand out billions of controlled substances to young children each year for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I hear from many school nurses who are not happy about dispensing controlled substances to children. They have asked what they can do to help slow down this epidemic. On the other side of this issue are the parents who say that their child's teacher suggests their child be tested for ADHD and treated. And some teachers are also looking for non-drug options to help their challenging students. I offer the same information and suggestions to all three groups.

The National Institutes of Health published a statement on ADHD and the drugs used to treat it. Their experts determined that there is "no valid test" for ADHD. Identifying children and adults as ADHD is strictly subjective. A teacher who expects children to sit quietly all day may wish to label many of the children as ADHD. Yet a teacher, with the same set of children, may understand that young children need to move about and do lose interest in subject matter. This teacher would think her classroom was filled with normal children without psychiatric problems.

Many of the drugs prescribed by doctors for the symptoms called ADHD are Class II Scheduled, controlled substances in the same category as cocaine. This is what the FDA has to say about Ritalin, the most common drug prescribed for ADHD symptoms:

1. Ritalin is pharmacologically similar to and has the same dependency profile as cocaine.

2. Treatment with Ritalin in childhood predisposes takers to cocaine's reinforcing effects.

3. Chronic administration of Ritalin produces tolerance and showed cross-tolerance with cocaine.

4. Ritalin abuse is neither benign nor rare and is accurately described as producing severe dependency.

Since Adderall and Dexadrine are amphetamines, the above statements should be true of them as well.

At least 95% of the children seen in my office for ADHD symptoms have never had a physical exam before a psychiatric drug was prescribed. In addition to what the FDA says about Ritalin, these are the side-effects that the manufacturers of Ritalin and the other drugs say they can cause: Increased blood pressure, heart rate, respirations and temperature, appetite suppression, weight loss, growth retardation, facial tics, central nervous system stimulation, euphoria, nervousness, irritability, agitation, psychotic episodes, violent behavior, paranoid delusions, hallucinations, bizarre behaviors, heart arrhymias, palpitations, tolerance, psychological dependency and death.

Texas, Colorado, and 46 other states have made resolutions requiring school personnel to use proven academic and/or management solutions to resolve behavior, attention and learning problems. Programs such as tutoring, vision testing, phonics, nutritional guidance, medical examinations, allergy testing and other remedies known to be effective and harmless should be recommended to parents. Here are some suggestions toward compliance with these resolutions:

1. Remove Sugar from The Diet: Sugar does affect behavior. Sugar can cause a reactive low blood sugar reaction called hypoglycemia. When the body becomes hypoglycemic, the chemical adrenaline is then released and the child feels the "fight or flight" energy surge. The pupils in the eyes dilate; the heart rate increases and the child cannot sit still. The child cannot concentrate and can become agitated. The child does not choose to act that way. It is a physiological response.

A Yale study showed that adrenaline levels in children were ten times higher than normal up to five hours after ingesting sugar. All of the children in the study had symptoms of increased adrenaline.

To treat hypoglycemia, change the child's diet. Don't let the child get hungry and eliminate refined carbohydrates, such as candy, cakes, pies and soft drinks.

2. Provide Protein Meals and Snacks Every Two Hours: Children with low blood sugar can have symptoms if they do not eat often enough also. Skipping a meal or not eating often enough can have the same disastrous results as eating sweets. Children with symptoms of hypoglycemia need to eat several small meals each day. These snacks must contain some form of protein (nuts, cheese, and meat).

A child's protein snack can be kept at the nurse's station. Nut butter sandwiches with whole grain bread, (peanut butter, almond butter, etc.) are good options for snacks because they are high in protein, fat and complex carbohydrates. Trail mix snacks contain nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Just providing protein snacks every two hours has resulted in remarkable improvement in behavior and learning.

3. Water: Continual intake of fluids helps improve the body's biochemical functions. It helps flush out toxins and assists in digestion and nutrition. To simply grab a quick drink at the water fountain does not provide an opportunity to drink enough water to quench a thirst much less to take in the required minimum for the body. Children should be allowed to keep water at their desks in order to continuously quench their thirst and obtain enough fluids to allow their young bodies to function properly.

4. Recognize Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms: Specific nutrients are needed in our body to make the biochemical processes work properly. The nutrients act as co-factors for these biochemical reactions. Their importance in learning, attention and behavior are well documented in the literature.

A. Magnesium deficiency in children is characterized by excessive fidgeting, anxious restlessness, psychomotor instability and learning difficulties in the presence of normal IQ. (Magnesium in Health and Disease, Seelig, 1980)

B. Vitamin B6, in a double blind, cross-over study published in Biological Psychiatry (Vol. 14, no.5,1979), was found to be more effective than methylphenidate (Ritalin) in a group of hyperactive children.

C. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (33, 2,1980), when thiamine deficiency was corrected, behavior improved.

D. Niacin, was found to be helpful for the symptoms of hyperactivity, poor school performance, perceptual changes and inability to maintain social relationships (Schizophrenia, 3, 1971).

E. Zinc levels in children diagnosed with ADHD were found to be significantly lower than controls (Biol.Psychiatry, 1996).

F. DMAE, a neurotransmitter precursor, has been used for years to improve behaviors, mental concentration, puzzle solving ability and organization (J.Pediatrics,1958).

G. Lower levels of Omega-3 fatty acids were discovered in children who had more temper tantrums and sleep problems. (Stevens LJ, Zentall SS, Deck JL, Abate ML, Watkins BA, Lipp SR, Burgess JR.

H. Essential fatty acid metabolism in boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62 (4):761 8).

5. Provide Time to Move Around: Physical activity is very important. Children need to take a break, get up and stretch, and get the circulation going. They have a greater physiological need to be active. When a child is fidgety and having difficulty concentrating it is time for a break. That is why recess is so important. Physical activity helps to revive energy and alertness so that the child returns to class more attentive and ready to learn. Physical play is an active form of learning. It is essential to development. It promotes gross motor skills necessary for learning. It enhances perceptual abilities through interaction and movement in a three-dimensional environment. Play reduces the tension and helps the child relax.

If the child has adrenaline on board, the physical activity will help expend it, helping to bring the body back to a calm, more chemically balanced state. A child who is having difficulty sitting still needs more time to move around, not less. Research by the American Association for the Children's Right to Play (Issue No. 55-Spring 1998 htttp:// looked at fourth grade children on recess days, PE days, and no break days. The results found that children were significantly less fidgety and more focused on their task after having recess.

6. Remove Perfumes, Fragrances and Other Stimulants from the Classroom: Clean, non-polluted air is extremely important to the health of our children. Fragrances can affect the nervous system sending inappropriate chemical messages through the nervous system, causing learning and behavior symptoms. Visual stimulation can also affect attention and behavior. Classrooms that are too busy can have a stimulating effect on students. If the teacher wears an "interesting" outfit with lots of colors and designs, or noisy jewelry, it can distract a student who is trying to listen in class.

7. Let Students Fiddle with Something: Many children with learning difficulties are right-brain, tactile learners. Right-brain learners are people who use the right side of their brain (the creative side) for learning and processing information more than the left side. These people tend to be very creative. Tactile learners learn best with their hands. I call these right-brain/tactile-learners, "RBTL's."

"RBTL" children can be frustrated in school because schools are set up to accommodate left-brain, auditory and visual learners. "RBTL" children have difficulty learning in this type of classroom setting. Although they see and hear the information, the brain doesn't process that information through the auditory and visual senses very well. They prefer to learn and explore through their sense of touch (tactile). "RBTL" children are still going to try to learn, but because they are tactile learners, they may pick up their pencil and flip it or fiddle with something. Then they get in trouble, when all they were trying to do was learn through touch. Even though they are very bright, they very often get labeled as learning disabled or trouble-makers. Most of these children improve immediately when they are given something to hold and feel (fiddle with) while reading, listening and doing other learning activities. This helps tactile learners use their visual and auditory senses more effectively. I recommend a small smooth stone or some other quiet object that feels good to the child.

8. Use Mozart Music with Ear Phones: Researchers have discovered that people who listened to ten minutes of Mozart before taking an intelligence test scored higher than people who listened to ten minutes of relaxation instructions or who for ten minutes sat in silence. Scientists speculate that some kinds of music stimulate certain neural pathways in the brain. I recommend that my patients listen to Mozart audio tapes while studying or reading. I always recommend that these students use headphones because it blocks outside distractions. Many parents have reported that homework time is cut in half. If the teacher has given the class instructions and wants them to sit quietly and work on their own, they can put the headphones on and listen.

9. Be Aware That Allergies Affect Behavior Adversely: According to Annals of Allergy, 1993, allergies can cause learning impairment. The researchers found that the allergic child was significantly less knowledgeable than controls and that, children with allergies were less successful in school in every way. Allergies affect the brain as well as the nose eyes and lungs. A child with allergies may be unable to sit still and concentrate because of allergies, not ADHD.

10. Let the Student Help Others: Everyone has strengths in some area. Children that struggle in reading may be very creative and excel in art. Acknowledge the child's ability and provide him/her with an opportunity to help someone else work on an art project. This makes a very strong statement to that student and the rest of the class that everyone has valuable abilities. It builds self-esteem and helps to promote new skills in the other students. It also teaches each student that it is okay not to know how to do everything as successfully as someone else. It also provides opportunities to learn new skills.

I recommend that we see only the best in our children. All children want to learn and want to please us. With a balance of calm and active time, in a healthy environment, where they are well fed, with quenched thirst, and helpful tools available, they can learn in their own styles. I hope these ten steps will help arm you in the battle against the unnecessary drugging of our children.

Dr. Mary Ann Block was compelled to go to medical school at the age of 39 to save her daughter after doctors made the child ill with inappropriate use of psychiatric drugs for a bladder infection. Today her daughter is a healthy adult as a result of her mother's determination and devotion. As Medical Director of The Block Center in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, an international clinic for adults and children with chronic health problems, Dr. Block now offers other parents the same kind of health care she desperately needed for her own child. A tireless advocate for children, Dr. Block has been traveling the country speaking to parent and professional groups and at legislative hearings on the dangers of the psychiatric drugging of our children. Block has been featured on the CBS news show, 48 Hours, MSNBC's Scarborough Country, and The Montel Williams Show, and interviewed on CNN News, NBC`s Home Page, Fox Network News, The Today Show in New York, The Joni show on Daystar, Your Health with Dr. Becker and is a medical contributor on Trinity Broadcast Network as well as such magazines as Newsweek, Better Homes and Gardens and radio and newspapers across the country. For More Information on Dr. Block visit

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Great Price Easy To Dress Barbie 6 - Complete Fashion Gift Set Mickey's Stuff, 6 Complete Fashions! 692 for

Barbie 6 Fashion Gift Set MICKEY'S STUFF - Easy To Dress (1992 Arcotoys, Mattel & Disney) Review

Barbie 6 Fashion Gift Set MICKEY'S STUFF - Easy To Dress (1992 Arcotoys, Mattel & Disney) Feature

  • Easy To Dress Barbie 6 - Complete Fashion Gift Set Mickey's Stuff, 6 Complete Fashions! is a 1992 Arcotoys, Mattel & Walt Disney production.
  • Included: 4 Tops, Capris, Shorts, 2 Skirts, 2 Dresses & 3 Pairs Shoes.
  • Fashions fit most Barbie & 11.5" fashion dolls; dolls NOT included.
  • See details & information below in Product Description.
  • Great for any collection, as a gift or just for fun play!

Barbie 6 Fashion Gift Set MICKEY'S STUFF - Easy To Dress (1992 Arcotoys, Mattel & Disney) Overview

Easy To Dress Barbie 6 - Complete Fashion Gift Set Mickey's Stuff, 6 Complete Fashions! is a 1992 Arcotoys, Mattel & Walt Disney production. Model #692. East to Dress is recommended for ages 5+ years; NOT for children under 3 years. Included in the box is a pink & white horizontal stripe Top w/pink over the shoulder style neckline & black MICKEY MOUSE faces pattern. Also included are pink Capris, yellow Shorts w/pink trim at leg ends, a pink Top w/yellow sleeve cuffs & DAISY DUCK & Bows Decal on front. Also included is an aqua color Top w/pink sleeve cuffs the Decal is DAISY DUCK & DAISY DUCK is printed in yellow & pink along the side of Daisy. There's a pink flare Skirt & a black w/white dots Skirt with a pink waistband, and there's a lilac color Dress with thin black spaghetti straps & lace at armpits of Dress & 2 tier lilac lace ruffles at the bottom that flare out from the Dress; the Decal is MICKEY & MINNIE MOUSE sitting on a crescent moon. Also included is a green top w/pink short sleeves & MICKEY & MINNIE MOUSE w/hearts Decal on front and there's a blue & white horizontal stripe Dress with blue ruffle cap sleeves & blue ruffle at bottom & the Decal is MINNIE MOUSE. There's also 3 pairs of Shoes - Pink, Green & White high heels. Fashions fit most Barbie & 11.5" dolls; dolls NOT included. All the provided information is to the best of my ability & may not be exact; colors, styles, sizes & info may vary. Easy To Dress Barbie 6 - Complete Fashion Gift Set Mickey's Stuff, 6 Complete Fashions!, a 1992 Arcotoys, Mattel & Walt Disney production is great for any collection or for fun play!

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Update Post: Jun 23, 2010 10:40:08

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Multisensory Method of Robert Titzer

Robert Titzer is an infant researcher and the creator of one of the most popular baby DVDs system for teaching babies to read. The baby DVDs and books were first published in 1997. The series' methods are based on Titzer's research as well as his own experiences of teaching his daughters, Aleka (born in 1991) and Keelin (born in 1994) to read as babies.

Unlike some critics of early reading, Titzer believes that the optimum time for learning to read is exactly the same as the optimum time for learning spoken languages and sign language. "Studies from all areas of language... show that it's easier to learn the patterns of language early in childhood compared to later in childhood," he writes. While some may view reading as a task too complex for young children, Titzer says, "It's likely the brain will develop more efficiently for reading when the child learns to read early in childhood compared to later in childhood."

Titzer notes that according to a 2002 study by Yale University, "Activating children's neural circuitry for reading early on is key." How early on? According to Titzer, "The window for learning language begins to close by age four." This implies that children who learn to read after the age of four may not develop the ideal neural circuitry for reading. The age at which reading instruction begins may govern not just a child's reading ability, but their attitude to reading as well. Says Titzer, "Children who are taught to read earlier prefer to read more than children who are taught at age five or later."

Some critics maintain that there are only short-lived advantages to be gained from early reading. Yet, the YBCR website cites several studies that suggest long-term benefits. "Early readers stay ahead of children who are taught later in life," writes Titzer, and "Some research indicates that the gap between early readers and later readers actually increases over time. This is sometimes known as the Matthews Effect, where rich learners get richer and poor learners get poorer."

Some critics believe learning to read early harms children emotionally, but according to Titzer, "Children who enter school with reading skills have higher self-esteem than children who cannot read when they enter school." For him, the importance of learning to read early in life can hardly be overstated. "Reading is the most important skill a child learns," he notes. "Reading increases learning skills, and it helps children succeed both in school and later in life." The academic achievements of Titzer's daughters, both of whom have maintained 4.0 GPOs and skipped at least one grade in school, stand testament to this. Aleka even began her sophomore year of college at the age of 16.

Multisensory teaching can be highly effective, as Titzer explains: "It is a scientific fact that babies learn more about many aspects of their world, when they learn through multiple sensory systems. Every parent knows that when babies are given Toys, they will look at them, shake them, and often put them in their mouths. This is how they acquire knowledge about Toys and other objects in their environment. They learn through several sensory systems - looking, touching, listening, moving, and tasting."

Not only is multisensory teaching effective, but multisensory learning is more fun for babies too. Titzer also believes it is better for brain development: "Infants have tens of thousands of new brain connections forming every second, many going from the different sensory areas of the brain. The more elaborate the connections made in their brains, the deeper their learning will be."

Baby DVDs are designed to be played once or twice per day, with each volume shown for one or two months ('retired' DVDs are shown intermittently). Each program should lasts around half an hour and has an accompanying book with around a dozen selected words. Parents are encouraged to say the word and run their finger under the word on the page, or say the word as it is shown on the screen. Parents can also sing and act out songs, and perform the actions (or help their baby perform the actions) represented by words - all of which helps to facilitate a child's learning.

Visit BrillBaby to learn more on Robert Titzer and Baby DVD Learning

Monday, June 21, 2010

Check Out Aliens Colonial Space Marine O'Malley 5" Action Figure (1992 Kenner)

Aliens Colonial Space Marine O'Malley 5" Action Figure (1992 Kenner) Review

Aliens Colonial Space Marine O'Malley 5" Action Figure (1992 Kenner) Feature

  • O'Malley is Part of the kenner 5 inch tall Aliens action figure line.
  • With Extending Capture Claw and weapon.
  • Made by Kenner in 1992 and long out of production.
  • Includes Exclusive collecter card of O'Malley with Bio Data.

Aliens Colonial Space Marine O'Malley 5" Action Figure (1992 Kenner) Overview

Aliens Space Marine O'Malley, Part of the 5 inches tall Aliens action figure line made by Kenner in 1992.

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Update Post: Jun 21, 2010 10:10:17

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Best Gangster Movies of All Time

With the vast variety of movie genres out there today, people still seem to flock to those that are "gangster" themed. Many of the most memorable movies of all time could be categorized as gangster movies. From the Godfather trilogy to Goodfellas and Casino, we all seem to have our personal favorites. They are packed with action, intrigue, thrills, drama that keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat throughout the entire film. Though confident that most of us do not need to be reminded, here are some of the best gangster movies of all time.

Goodfellas (1990) No one can forget this movie starring Robert DeNiro, Ray Liotta and Joe Pesce. Directed by Martin Scorsese, the wonderful performances, intriguing storyline and memorable characters makes this one of the best gangster movies ever made.

Godfather Trilogy (1972, 1974, 1990) Probably the most popular gangster movies of all time. They combined the acting talents of such icons as Marlon Brando, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, James Caan and a host of other talent actors. The movies included a memorable storyline, outstanding acting, drama, thrills, and every other emotion it could render up. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola the movies garnered 9 Oscars. Without a doubt, these are one of the top gangster movies.

Scarface (1983) Who can forget Al Pacino's line "Say hello to my little friend" in this gory yet thrill seeking gangster movie. Also starring Michelle Pfeiffer, this gangster movie kept us on the edge of our seat. Not only a great gangster movie but also one of the best thriller movies of all time as well.

Pulp Fiction (1994) A deep, dark gangster movie not for the faint of heart, but an outstanding film directed by Quentin Tarantino. Starring such icons as John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson, this gangster movie kept us thinking. Excellent acting, intriguing storyline, unforgettable characters, makes this movie a two thumbs up for one of the top gangster movies ever made.

Donnie Brasco (1997) A top notch gangster movie that starred Johnny Depp and Al Pacino. The chemistry between these two actors made this movie an unforgettable one. Great storyline, roller coaster of emotions and a wonderful supporting cast puts this movie as a top notch gangster movie.

Casino (1995) Not much to say about this gangster movie, it speaks for itself. Starring a list of top actors including Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesce and Sharon Stone and directed by Martin Scorsese. This movie combines an unforgettable cast, great chemistry, and an amazing storyline. It definitely deserves as spot on the list of top gangster movies ever made.

Though there are many more that are on this list, these are just a few that have been extremely memorable. The genre of gangster movies reaches way back to 1912 and they have just become better with time. They draw us in and keep us under their spell. We will remember many of them for their fantastic actors, intriguing story lines and twists and turns. We will also look forward to many more of them in the future as they are not going away any time soon.

So, if you would like to find out more of my best gangster movies of all time you can do so by clicking on this link top gangster movies.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Check Out The Journeyman Project )Turbo By Presto Studios (Cd-rom - 1992)

The Journeyman Project )Turbo By Presto Studios (Cd-rom - 1992) Review

When this game came out there was nothing else like it. The photo-realistic and interactive environments were a concept not really explored back then, and the latter has since become a gaming staple. Just being able to do little things just flush the toilets was really cool. The development team really went out of their way to do the little things like this, that we all know makes a big difference in the end. To me this game is pure nostalgia at it's finest as well. This was one of the first games I've ever played on my first computer (an old Packard Bell), and certainly the first game that made a lasting impression on me.

The great thing about games like this is that they're like a good book. You actually became Gage Blackwood when you played. I don't really get immersed like that into games of today, which are more like anime movies by comparison. A lost art, for sure.

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Update Post: Jun 19, 2010 09:50:08

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sanjay Dutt

Sanjay Dutt was born on July 29, 1959. He is a famous Bollywood actor in Indian film industry. His father was Sunil Dutt, a famous Bollywood actor and a politician. Her mother name was Nargis Dutt, an actress in the same film industry. He has two sisters, Priya Dutt and Namrata Dutt. He received his education from the Lawrence School, Sanawar, near Kasauli in Himachal Pradesh, a state in India. At the age of 12 he made his first film appearance in his father's film "Reshma Aur Shera" in which he played a small role as a qawwali singer.

Sanjay Dutt played a variety of roles in several successful films of the 1980s, including Vidhaata in 1982, Naam in 1986 and Hathyar in 1989. He was reportedly the first choice for director Subhash Ghai to play the lead in Hero released in 1983, but after seeing Sanjay Dutt in his drug phase during the shooting of Vidhaata, Ghai picked Jackie Shroff in his place. He was married Richa Sharma in 1987, a small-time actress discovered by Dev Anand for his film 'Hum Naujawan', who had nursed him back from a lung injury. After a year, the couple had a baby girl, Trishala. The couple separated just two months after Trishala's birth. Richa moved to United States with her daughter to live with her parents while Dutt pursued his career in Bollywood.

Sanjay Dutt picked up a high graph in his cinema career with movies like Sadak in 1991 and Saajan in 1991. For the best actor lead role in film Saajan, he received his first Filmfare nomination. The release of "Khalnayak" happened to be coincided with Dutt's arrest in connection with the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blast. The exaggerated publicity surrounding the event and his plausible portrayal for the role of the villain in the film gave his career a much needed boost and a Filmfare nomination for best actor. The film Khalnayak went on to become a huge hit also partly because of a popular song in the film "Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai".

He resurrected his career with the mega hit "Saajan" and got first Filmfare nomination for the best actor in a lead role. At the same period, charges were filed against the actor for his alleged involvement in the 1993 Mumbai bombings. Sanjay Dutt had to spend more than 18 months in Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai.

Sunil Dutt, Sanjay's father, died in May 2005. At the time of his death, Sunil Dutt was the sports minister of India.

Sanjay Dutt, on July 31, 2007, was sentenced to a jail term of 6 years for illegal possession of firearms acquired from terrorist acquaintances, who were responsible for the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts. But, the Supreme Court of India granted him interim bail on August 20, 2007.

Isshica has very good knowledge about bollywood and bollywood super star like Sanjay Dutt.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Check Out Kevin Maas 1992 Starting Lineup

Kevin Maas 1992 Starting Lineup Review

Kevin Maas 1992 Starting Lineup Feature

  • Includes 11''x14'' special series poster
  • 1992 Starting Lineup card

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Update Post: Jun 17, 2010 09:00:08

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Check Out Dale Earnhardt 1992 Racing Champion Transporter 1:64 #3 Goodwrench Die Cast 18 Wheeler

Dale Earnhardt 1992 Racing Champion Transporter 1:64 #3 Goodwrench Die Cast 18 Wheeler Review

Dale Earnhardt 1992 Racing Champion Transporter 1:64 #3 Goodwrench Die Cast 18 Wheeler Feature

  • 1:64 #3 Goodwrench Transporter
  • 1993 Edition
  • Opening Rear Doors

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Update Post: Jun 16, 2010 08:50:16

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Activities For Kids Who Are Bored: The Boredom Bowl

How many days or even hours into summer break is it before you say "I'm bored. There's nothing to do!" Before you roll your eyes and sigh loudly, hoping Mom will get the hint, try this sanity saver: the Boredom Bowl. Choose a fish bowl, hat, or any other container. This will be your Boredom Bowl. Now, try to think of a bunch of summertime activities. What do you love to do on a hot summer day? Write on a piece of paper, fold it and drop it into the Boredom Bowl. It's that simple. What could you do if it's raining or you do something horrid, like break your ankle? Write it down! Think of things that are free, cheap, or even that cost a few bucks. Write each one on a separate piece of paper and put it in the bowl. Keep the bowl and several small pieces of paper on your desk or near your bed, so that the minute an idea pops into your head, you can write it down. Collect ideas and add to the bowl, so that by the time summer is here, you are ready. Whenever you think, "I'm bored!" reach in and pull out a boredom buster. Then, do it! Some ideas for boredom busters:

  • Go for a walk as a family (or with just one chosen family member.)

  • Go to the roller skating rink.

  • Play a board game (list each board game on separate pieces of paper.)

  • Read one chapter of a book.

  • Buy a new book.

  • Go to the library.

  • Go to a park (name each of the parks separately.)

  • Dance.

  • Do a craft (list them specifically.)

  • Take a class through (community education or a hardware store, perhaps.)

  • Race Dad to the end of the block.

  • Go for a bike ride.

  • Play hopscotch on the sidewalk.

  • Make up a story, one line at a time.

  • Take digital photos of all the family members doing something goofy.

  • Make a collage from magazine pictures and words.

  • Volunteer to wash the windows at a disabled or elderly neighbor's house.

Whining isn't really that much fun, but boredom stinks! The Boredom Bowl is a great way to get rid of both.

Stephenie is a mom of girls who love to find something fun to do every day. Visit Stephenie's site

Monday, June 14, 2010

Spa Party - Choose Your Spa Activities, Gifts, Food, and Party Supplies, and You're Ready

Most of us, at one time or another, need some "down time" - time to relax, visit with friends and pamper ourselves a little. But sometimes the cost of spa treatments, manicures and pedicures, keep us from giving ourselves that needed "lift".

Why not turn your home into a "spa" for an afternoon or evening by throwing your own "spa party"? It's the perfect way to give yourself and your friends that perfect "out".

Putting together a spa party is easy when you think about what you and your friends would enjoy doing most. Choose your colors, your activities and your gifts for your guests and you're ready to go!

Invitations: Send your guests colorful invitations (perhaps in pastels, bubbles, flowers, etc.) to join in the fun. If you'd like, you can throw in a bar of soap, potpourri or small sachet as a bonus.


Create a calm and relaxing, yet fun, atmosphere for your spa party by using potpourri or scented candles. Dim the lights, put on some soft music, and place a bright centerpiece on the table with pastel balloons and ribbons dotting the room.

Activities: Invite or hire a friend (or a professional) to come to your spa party and demonstrate to you and your friends the best methods for skin, hair or nail care. You can arrange tables so that your guests can try out hand lotions, manicure or pedicure products and techniques. If you are feeling ambitious, your spa party can include facials--giving your guests time to visit as they wait for their face masks to set.

You can also give your recommendations for products you like in make-up, hair and skin care--providing inexpensive samples if available.

Food: Would any spa party be complete without a few indulgent foods? Set small plates of chocolate, mints, or fruit and veggies with dip at each table for your guests to nibble on while they visit or paint their nails.

Spa Party Gifts: Before, during, or after your spa party, add some glitz and glamour by giving each guest a pink or white boa, glamour glasses, mini-pillows or cosmetic cases. If you're looking for more, consider gift baskets with products used or discussed during the spa party.

So go ahead! Take some "time out" for yourself and your friends by hosting a spa party that will be big on fun and friendship and low on cost! Happy pampering!

Bonnie Larsen is a mother of five children ages 6 to 14 and a supporter of her husband in his venture to sell party supplies at For more ideas and Spa Party Supplies, click here: Spa Party.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Great Price Aladdin 2557 for

Disney's Year 1992 Aladdin Movie Series 12 Inch Doll - Princess Jasmine with Harem Pants, Top, "Jeweled" Headband, Palace Costume, "Jeweled" Headdress, Necklace, Shoe and Hairbrush Review

Disney's Year 1992 Aladdin Movie Series 12 Inch Doll - Princess Jasmine with Harem Pants, Top, "Jeweled" Headband, Palace Costume, "Jeweled" Headdress, Necklace, Shoe and Hairbrush Feature

  • Includes : Princess Jasmine with Harem Pants, Top, "Jeweled" Headband, Palace Costume, "Jeweled" Headdress, Necklace, Shoe and Hairbrush
  • Doll measured approximately 12 inch tall
  • Produced in year 1992
  • For age 3 and up

Disney's Year 1992 Aladdin Movie Series 12 Inch Doll - Princess Jasmine with Harem Pants, Top, "Jeweled" Headband, Palace Costume, "Jeweled" Headdress, Necklace, Shoe and Hairbrush Overview

Aladdin tries to win the love of Princess Jasmine by pretending to be a prince. It is only when he revelas his friendly, open personality, that he wins Jasmine's heart. Aladdin whisks her away on a magic carpet ride over the city, and they fall in love. When Aladdin overcomes the evil Jafar, he learns it's what's inside him that counts, and he and Jasmine live happily ever after!

Related Products

Update Post: Jun 13, 2010 08:10:07

Saturday, June 12, 2010

God Bless China - Why You Can Make More Money In China And Australia Than The USA

Back to the past

You may also recall reading a newsletter with information on who the world's biggest oil companies were (refer to "Invest News" August 2005) and how they spent their money diversifying into other industries. The "common sense" belief that higher oil prices would make oil companies go broke, may be commonly held... this doesn't mean that it is true....

Oil goes up, buy more oil...

Huh? Since the article was written, the price of oil (and petrol) has continued to rise at a massive rate. The profits of oil companies have increased dramatically, as has their share price. Did you buy into any oil companies? Prices on fuels and lubricants have risen by 21%, so did we all buy 20% less oil? Nope, we bought 18% MORE.

The oil companies don't just have us over a barrel; they have us over millions of barrels a day... Did you buy into oil companies yet?

See the Past, now look at the Now

OK, so you've got the message about the oil companies. Like the dinosaurs that they dig up, these huge juggernauts* will rule the world for a long time. Don't fight it, get used to it, and learn to profit from it. If you don't take my word for it, look at what the major investment managers are doing with their money.

Which fund managers are buying into oil companies, and how much are they buying? Are they hoping to make more money in the future than they did this year? The fund manager's job is to make money in the future, so what are they doing now?

Fund Manager -----

What is in their Top Ten? (as at June 30th 2005)

Credit Suisse---- Mortgages, phone companies and finance companies.

Barclays: -----Total Fina Elf is number two, Exxon Mobil at seven.

Merril Lynch -----Total Fina Elf is number two stock on their list also Platinum Royal Dutch Shell is number ten stock

UBS Global ----Total Fina Elf is number 3, BP at number 10

Westpac Intl ----Exxon Mobil number 1 stock held

BT USA ----Exxon Mobil number 2

BT Global ----Exxon Mobil number 1

BT European ----Royal Dutch Shell number 1, Total Fina Elf number 3

Oil = Money

If the oil companies are NOT going to make massive billions of dollars worth of profits in future years, then why are the biggest and smartest fund managers investing into the oil companies? Perhaps with all their money and all their research, the major oil companies know that major oil companies will continue to turn gargantuan profits. Perhaps with the largest fund managers' money and research, the fund managers have also come to the same conclusion: oil equals money.

Save the trees: shoot a beaver...

Sure, you can buck the trend against the juggernauts*. You can invest all of your money into stocks other than mining and oil. You can invest into "new" areas such internet stocks and bio-technology. You can invest into mortgages and finance companies like Credit Suisse. You can invest into eco-responsible, genetically unmodified, environmentally-sustainable alfalfa-eating, alpaca-friendly, tree-hugging hippy stocks**.

It may make you feel good. It may even make you a dollar or two. A good idea is to diversify your money: -- have some smiley, care-bear investments** and also have a little bit of investment into some of the "smash, pillage and wreck the environment" stocks.

Exxon/Mobil hurt some penguins with a leaking oil-tanker. Fine, sell their shares, punch the CEO, or volunteer at Greenpeace.

Union Carbide upset some people with dodgy battery acid. Throw out your torches, Toys and computers or choose to make a positive difference.

When I discovered that a subsidiary of BHP was mining uranium, I felt so bad about it that I donated some of my BHP dividends to my favourite charity***. Now, BHP were not making uranium nuclear weapons, it was for nuclear energy; and it was not BHP, just one of their connections.

I am not crazy enough to sell all of my BHP shares just because some of their friends are a little environmentally unfriendly: -- that would be silly. Besides, I can do a lot more for the environment by gifting thousands of dollars to good causes, than I can by chaining myself to a bulldozer... Bulldozer. Hmm, that gives me another excuse to use the term "juggernaut"... ☺

Speaking of big powerful, heavy things without restraint or social conscience, let's have a look at the world's biggest super power and largest economy. Do you know who it is? Do you think that the answer may change in future?

Live in the Now, Look to the future

Hey, I don't wish to be an alarmist; you have the newspapers and horror movies to make you frightened. I just wish to point out a few things and make you "alert but not alarmed".

Question 1 Who in the world uses the most oil?

Question 2 Where do the oil users get the oil from?

Question 3 What are they prepared to do to keep it this way?

If you answered, "USA", "The Middle East" and "start wars", you would be fairly close to the truth... or the truth, as it was, for most of the last century. In the last few decades we have seen the USA using most of the world's oil, and sourcing it from the Middle Eastern countries. We have seen the USA involved in conflicts in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq (part two).

In more recent years, the amount of oil being used by China is on the rise. Soon, your answers to the above three questions will be "China", "Africa", and "anything".

Be prepared for a world-wide shifting of the scales. Why does China source their oil from African countries and not Middle Eastern countries? Does the oil taste nicer? Does it last longer? Is it cheaper? Or does it simply not raise the ire of the US government, as Africa is not seen as de-facto US soil?

Anyone stomping around in the Kuwaiti oil-fields for long enough would eventually upset the USA: look at what happened to poor old Saddam Hussein in 1991. Oops, it happened again in 2003. The USA sees the Middle East as their own little vegetable patch. They let the gardeners have a few carrots to keep them happy, but they don't like any rogue rabbits intruding, or any sign that someone else wants to dictate gardening terms or market conditions.

Prepare for War....again....ho-hum

Will there be more wars in the Gulf? Probably. Will things change? Not much. Sometimes the US sells arms to the left side ("allies") and sometimes the US sells arms to the right side ("axis of evil"). Sometimes they sell weapons to both sides ("Iran-contra") and blame it on Oliver North. So long as one side wins and agrees to sell oil to the USA at a fair price, they are happy.

In the style of true diversity, the US doesn't really care who wins: the winner will sell them oil, and the loser will come back and buy more weapons for next time. The USA is a business. They sell guns and buy oil in the same way that Australia sells steel and buys DVD players. War is a business activity for some countries. It is good for their economy. Realise this, and thank God if you are smart enough to stay out of the firing line and in front of the check-out queue.

So the wars in the Middle East will continue, much like the war between Coke and Pepsi, or McDonalds and Burger King. It's just business. It's just money. It's nothing personal. The "War on Terror" will be never-ending; it will just ebb and flow, like the tides. America makes weapons and needs to sell them. They use oil and need to buy it. What are you gonna do? They are the biggest economy in the world and they need to protect their economy from anything that would threaten it. God bless America...

In all probability, the pugilistic Americans are a threat to world peace, inasmuch as they believe that it is their duty to police the world ("finish the wars that others start") and supply arms to the highest bidder. By the same token, we are probably lucky to have them. Without the massive power of the world's "school bully", there could be complete anarchy.

As much as the US Marshall Plan is objectionable, it (and its clones) can be seen to have helped the world at large. It is arguable that victory in World War One could have gone to Germans, or eluded the British a lot longer without the help of the USA. World War Two was also largely decided by the entry of the good old USA. The US involvement in Korea, Vietnam and Kuwait were possibly self-serving, but did have some positive impact on the rest of the world.

Where does this leave us? And what about China? Hmm, glad you asked. China is not even going near the Middle East. No need to. Why fight over something that has been fought over for centuries, against an enemy that has lots of money and plenty of guns? The Chinese are not into suicide, Hare Kari was a Japanese trait...

While Americans fight Arabs in the Middle East (and anybody else who enters), China is quietly and diligently drilling for oil in Africa... Shh!

Will China fight to survive, or will they buy friends? The Chinese are making friends in Africa, building infrastructure, creating jobs, buying oil. They are sourcing blood to infuse into their economy. Far from sucking Sudan and Zimbabwe dry of oil to feed the Chinese machine; it is more of a symbiotic relationship.

You are unlikely to find Africans hating Chinese in the same way that the Arabs can hate the Americans. For every Chinese oil-well in Africa, there are thousands more schools and jobs. African people who used to till the soil are now drilling for oil, on larger wages. Their once uneducated children, who were destined to work farms, are now studying to become geologists and engineers for the oilfields.

The Chinese do not need to sell weapons to the Africans or the African's enemies; instead, the Chinese do a nice sideline in selling cheap DVD players, laptop computers, cameras, T-shirts and the like. Just as the Chinese bought plenty of Australian steel and coal, then gave Aussies cheap plasma screen televisions, they are now doing similar things with the African nations to get oil. Can we blame them? Of course not, it's a free world, isn't it? Well, maybe it's not free; it's just not so tightly controlled as it once was...

Who's the Boss?

It is certainly interesting to live in a generation where we have seen the Japanese economy and the American fire-power dominate the world for almost 50 years. The Japanese economy has since stalled, the Indians and Chinese are spending more on their armies than the USA and with all this strutting and chest-puffing, I am glad to live in Australia...

OK, so some researchologist is going to check my facts, do a Google search and claim that the Asians are NOT putting more money into military spending than the USA...

Think again. With the same $100 note, I can pay an American man for four hour's labour, or one Chinese man for more than a week... The wages in Asia are miniscule when compared to average wages in America. The American-made TV costs ten times as much as the Chinese one. Do you think that armaments, tanks, guns and bombs are any different? They are all just products. It is all just labour. When you read that China spent $15 Million on their army, the Americans would have to spend over $200 Million to have the same impact...

If all armies were mercenary, you could pay both sides to fight each other. A million dollar investment on each side could see 25 US Marines fighting against over 300 Chinese soldiers. Both sides will have the same training and equipment; it's just that one side paid a lot more for their boots than the ones that were "Made in China".

If 300 men fought 25 men, which side do you think would win?

There is no need to panic, just watch the economy.

Again, I will say it again. Be alert and not alarmed. We are NOT facing the "yellow peril" that grandma feared. Australia will not be invaded by masses of hungry Asians who want to take your life. Just as the Japanese didn't take your money at the point of a gun; you gave it to them! After Japan lost the war in 1945, the Japanese battled to get their country back onto its feet, and then made a success of their economy and their people.

Economically-empowered Japanese businessmen started buying up Australian soil on the Gold Coast, they were not stealing it. They could not have taken our houses and land if we didn't first take their money. We gave up our territory willingly.

The Chinese will not invade your back yard, because that will result in a war. As we have seen previously, the only winners in a war are the Americans...and nobody wants that to happen... The Chinese will simply continue to make products to offer you, and you will continue to give them money. Eventually, neauvo-riche Chinese businessmen will buy all of the Australian land from the Japanese and the Aussies.

The Chinese will become our new land-lords and we will all live in harmony without a shot being fired. Some of you may not believe my forecast of Australia becoming "little China". You are entitled to your opinion. No-one thought that that war-torn Japan would go from wasteland to dreamland within a few short decades. Quick tip: learn to nod and bow.

Thank God and watch the destination of your dollar.
There will be no use complaining once the Chinese own half of Australia: the time to protest was last week when you went shopping... People complained when the Japanese bought the Gold Coast, but these whingers were the same people who had spent half a generation and half their wages on buying Japanese watches, Japanese TVs and Japanese portable stereos. Be thankful that the Japanese actually injected their money back into Australia. Without them, we may have been broke and stuck with owning the Gold Coast ourselves...

Hmmm, maybe we should send the Japanese a Thank You card... Or a Thank God card. Can you send God a Thank You card?

Thank God that the Chinese are buying Aussie steel and coal. If we sent all our money to China to buy appliances and T-shirts, and if the Chinese sent that money to Ecuador to buy raw materials, Ecuador would prosper and Australia would go broke!

The Chinese economy is booming, India is coming second, and Australia is coming along for a ride on the coat-tails of our Asian neighbours. We are making money, creating jobs and things are looking good. Our old buddies, the British and the Americans are on the ropes and have been for some time. Their economies are sick and may not recover. The question is, will you offer to help our old imperial friends or will you switch camps and learn Mandarin?

Shé Shé is Chinese for Thankyou

Next time I go shopping, I may make a conscious effort to "Buy Australian" to keep jobs here and to support my immediate neighbours inside of my country. There is a very strong chance that I will "Buy Asian" if the price is fair and the quality is good. There is an extremely low chance that I will buy products from the UK or the USA. It's not just that I have zero respect for the leaders of both countries, their economic policy, war-mongering antics and education systems... the citizens also talk funny! ☺

Thank God I live in a country where I can openly criticise not only my own political leader, but the leaders in other countries as well. I can also criticise the popular media and choose to disbelieve most of what they say.

Thank God the economy of my country is more closely aligned with selling "good" things that people need, such as steel, coal, gas, wheat and wool; not selling things that people just want, like stereos (China), drugs (South America) and guns (USA).

She'll be right, mate

If a world-wide recession happens, people will still need to trade with Australia to get our wonderful and essential raw materials and agricultural items. There will be less demand for baseball caps and more demand for minerals and food. We will be OK.

Australia is an English-speaking nation in the middle of Asia, giving us license to trade with other English speakers on the other side of the world, or trade with our closest neighbours in our region. We can make our own terms of trade and create our own destiny. We do not have arranged marriages and starving citizens like those in India, nor do we experience government control and internet censorship like the Chinese. There is no over-crowding in our country and you can have as many children as you can afford to feed. Our children can have religious education at school and do not get frisked for weapons on the way into class. We truly are the lucky country.

If you are Australian, take a deep breath and allow your chest to swell with pride. Chances are, this is the lucky country because your fore-fathers (and fore-mothers) were convicts who fought with the Imperial British task-masters and built infrastructure for the new colony. Their offspring (and your ancestors) were probably free settlers who fought against invasion by foreign powers in several wars. You don't have to fight for your country now, just invest into it.

Think Global, Act Local

Buy Australian when you can and when you want to.
Buy Asian sometimes without feeling guilty. After all, they are our neighbours and they buy our stuff too! It is possible that your job ultimately depends on a product, service or raw material being sold in Asia.

Do some research on the internet or at the library. Read about US economic policy, read about the Marshall Plan, watch "Bowling for Columbine" or "Fahrenheit 911" on DVD. Realise that sometimes politicians lie, and the bigger the economy, the bigger the lie has to be in order to protect it.

Know that the media is used by governments and corporations to sell you things that you didn't know that you needed; not all the time, but often. Realise why Derryn Hinch spent a lot of time in jail, and why John Laws lied about the banks paying him. Look for the story behind the story. Be alert and not alarmed. Know the "destination of your dollar" and find out "who's taking your money". Look long-term. Then hold your breath and invest.


*A juggernaut is an "irresistible force that destroys everything in its path" (named from the Indian "Jagganauth", a Hindu deity who is carried on a large float during religious festivals. Other examples may include tyrannosaurs, arrogant corporations and American presidents. ☺

**You can find eco-friendly, tree-hugging, smiley care-bear investments with many fund managers these days. Yes, I do tease them, but with a big wink. Many "sustainable resource managed funds" out-performed benchmarks, with some returning over 20% in 2004-2005. Ask your financial planner for more details.

***To discover my favourite charities, you will have to read Invest News September 2005 "Keep me for Free" or donate money to INVEST to see the hidden webpage. Thanks to the person who donated $15 anonymously last month. This helps to keep the website going and enables us to offer you free education, free mp3's and free books.

This article, e-mail and its attachments are not intended to constitute any form of financial advice or recommendation of, or an offer to buy or offer to sell, any security or other financial product. This advice is general in nature and does not take into account any of your unique circumstances. We recommend that you seek your own independent legal or financial advice before proceeding with any investment decision. Remember to send this on to your friends if you learned something. If you can read this then you probably do not need glasses, contact lenses or shares in OPSM.

Jeremy Britton DipFA SA(Fin) is an active Financial Planner and a lazy investor. He has invested into managed funds, Australian shares, US stocks, property and antique Phantom comics. One day he may invest in a good haircut. Invest-Org-Au is a not for profit organisation designed to help educate investors and would-be investors. Free DVD's, Free MP3's, Free Books, Free News []

Friday, June 11, 2010

Great Price for

1992 Elvis Presely "The Elvis Collection" Series 2 Trading Cards Pack (12 cards/pack) Review

1992 Elvis Presely "The Elvis Collection" Series 2 Trading Cards Pack (12 cards/pack) Feature

  • Please check out out other listings for 1000s of other great sportscard items
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed Or You Can Return For A Full Refund!

Related Products

Update Post: Jun 11, 2010 07:40:09

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Many Different Types of Dreamsicle's Figurines

We have all wondered what to buy as a gift to give somebody. There is an important day or a memorable event, and we simply do not know what to give as a gift. Next time when you feel that kind of a dilemma, just think of giving a beautiful figurine as a cherished gift to your dear ones. But before you buy a charming little figurine you must learn some important details about them.

Figurines have always been popular among lovers of collectibles and also among lovers of small artistic objects. There are different kinds, and sizes of figurines. Their prices also vary significantly.

The following details will come to your assistance when you decide to buy a figurine or to start a collection of them. First of all you should be aware of the different kinds of figurines available. Any good collectible store will give you an extensive list of them.

Among the most favored brands you find Dreamsicle figurines.

These figurines are lovable animals and cherubs. They have been available since their introduction in 1991. These figurines are designed by reputed artists. Every piece goes through a strict quality check and so you can be assured of their quality.

All the figurines have cute noses, chubby, sparkling cheeks, caring eyes, and loving, gentle smiles. The cherubs have a variety of activities they engage in, like playing with pals and animal friends, game playing, and many others. They also depict some of the milestones within all of our lives like weddings, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and memorable life moments as well.

Almost all of these cherub figurines wear lovely wreaths on their heads in pastel colors with the addition of ribbons and wildflowers for an even more natural look to them. The seasonal Christmas Time figures have their wreaths adorned with berries and poinsettias instead of the adornments.

There is also a "Whimsical Animals Series". There are also the "Heavenly Classics Series". There are more than 25 designs within this series now. The first introduction of the "Heavenly Classics Series" was in the year 1995. The next year the series of kids came out sporting faces that were just irresistible wearing bright and colorful designs. There are now more than 50 different types of kids on the markets today.

Over the years many older figurines get suspended or withdrawn. These pieces are now witnessing their values rise out in the collectible markets. Most of them have only a very small number of pieces and so have become very dear to the collectors.

The figurines make perfect gifts for friends and family. They will definitely add color to important days and memorials. They are just marvelous as mementos. You can think of starting a collection of these beautiful figurines. Later when you look back you will marvel at the precious moment in whose memory you bought it. That is one of their advantages as a collection.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for pottery, antiques, and figurines. When shopping for pottery, antiques and figurines, we recommend these online stores for pottery, antiques.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The 'Most Popular' Baby-names, Personal-names, and Family-names in Turkey

Of 70 million Turks living in Turkey, more than 4% (3 million) were named either Mehmet (male) or Fatma (female) at birth!

According to the latest statistics gathered and published by the Turkish Citizenship Bureau's Directorate, there are now 1,537,458 males named Mehmet among living males in Turkey. The personal-name Mustafa follows Mehmet with 1,195,232 recorded occurrences -- then come the personal-names Ahmet, Ali, and Hüseyin.

As for the ladies... at the top of the popular personal-names list is Fatma -- which collected 1,529,179 'votes'. Ayse followed Fatma at 1,161,016 uses -- with Emine, Hatice, and Zeynep rounding out the top five most popular names.

Baby names have begun changing in the past 15 years -- with new baby-names beating out old names for popularity. For example, when you just consider male and female children born between 1990 and 2000... for the first time, the name Emre (for boys) and Büsra and Merve for girls -- have appeared among the top 5 baby-names. And if you only consider the period 2000-2005, Furkan (for boys) and Irem (for girls) are baby-names that have appeared in the top 5, also for the first time.

Turkish Family Names

According to the same statistics, the family-name Yılmaz is 'Top of the Pops' -- being the surname used by 1,025,196 families. The 'Yilmaz' surname is followed in 'popularity' by Kaya, Demir, Sahin, and Çelik.

So...We guess that makes 'Fatma and Mehmet Yilmaz' the Turkish equivalent of 'Mary and John Doe'

[Click following to access a fully illustrated HTML version of Turkish Baby-names and Family-names.]

Jim and (co-author) Perihan Masters are a husband and wife team, living on the Aegean Coast of Turkey just 50 miles south of Izmir. Jim was born in Shanghai, China -- of American military parentage. Peri was born on the Black Sea coast of Turkey near Trabzon, of Turkish military parentage...Enticed by a Financial Times advertisement, Jim joined a NATO sponsored enterprise in Ankara in 1974 where he met the beautiful and brainy Perihan, a rising young Turkish banking executive. Settled now in the heart of what was once the ancient Ionian Empire -- the couple live an idyllic life by the sea.. writing, drawing and painting, teaching English, and providing computing service support to local businesses. They also sponsor the MSNBC award-winning Learning Practical Turkish Website which has built an enthusiastic international following of devoted Turkophiles and inquisitive language students of all ages.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Check Out Nascar Racing Champions Richard Petty Pocono Raceway Champion Spark Plug Car 43 Fan Appreciation Tour (1992)

Nascar Racing Champions Richard Petty Pocono Raceway Champion Spark Plug Car 43 Fan Appreciation Tour (1992) Review

Nascar Racing Champions Richard Petty Pocono Raceway Champion Spark Plug Car 43 Fan Appreciation Tour (1992) Feature

  • 1992 fan appreciation tour pocono raceway
  • Car # 44

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Update Post: Jun 08, 2010 04:50:09

Monday, June 7, 2010

Food Network Overview

The Food Network, founded in 1993 air programs episodes and specials that revolve around food and cooking. It is extremely popular, being viewed by over 90 million households. It is available in several international countries as well thanks to satellite TV.

The Food Network is divided into two main areas, Food Network in the Kitchen and Food Network Nighttime.

Food Network in the Kitchen
" Aired weekday afternoons and weekend mornings
" Features instructional cooking programs

Food Network Nighttime
" The history and knowledge of food
" Travel programs
" Cooking competitions
" Entertainment programs

The Food Network featured well-known personalities that host programs in both areas, including Mario Batali, Emeril Lagasse, Alton Brown, Tyler Florence Rachel Ray and Bobby Flay. Some of the program specials show these personalities presenting food concepts while on working vacations or working together in theme events.

Iron Chef
One of the favorites aired over The Food Network is Iron Chef of America. This is a series based on the Japanese Fuji Televsion's Iron Chef. It is based on the game show concept where in each new episode a new chef challenges one of the resident chefs in a culinary battle that lasts for one hour using a theme ingredient. Batali and Flay are frequent contenders, along with Cat Cora, the only woman Iron Chef.

Rachel Ray
Rachel Ray has gained a huge following for her 30 Minute Meals and $40 a Day programs. In each episode of $40 a Day, Ray undertakes a mini-vacation to an American or European city with 40 U.S. bucks in her pocket to spend on food. She talks to locals wherever she goes and gets recommendations for places to get 3 good meals and an after dinner snack on her small budget.

Good Eats
Alton Brown entertains his Good Eats audience with a mixture of science, cooking and humor. Brown has been compared to the likes of science educators, Mr. Wizard and Bill Nye as he explores the science behind the culinary arts. The show which can be seen via a satellite tv service also focuses on choosing the best appliances and inexpensive tools to get the most out of a cooking experience.

Satellite Television
Without the invention of satellite television The Food Networks popularity will be much less than it currently is and thanks to Satellite TV viewers from around the world can view The Food Network.

For more information on Direct TV visit

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Toy Hauler - Convenient Storage For Small-Sized Vehicles

When looking for a new Toy hauler there are many options out there. You might be asking what that even is and we have the answer for you. It is considered to be a recreational trailer. You typically would keep a dirt bike, motorcycle, or even dune buggies in this type of trailer. Not only that but you can also get one with a living area! How convenient is that?

When considering the purchase of a Toy hauler, you need to consider how often you would use it and for what. If you are traveling around or going camping somewhere you can use your preferred toy maybe it would be a great idea for you to buy one with living areas. Feel like a rock star with a trailer that has a full kitchen, bathroom, sleeping areas, living areas, cabinets, entertainment such as televisions and cable, and it goes on and on. Not only that, but you can even have solar panels added!

So, are you on the lookout for a recreational trailer? Maybe a toy hauler would be your best bet. No one ever regrets making that kind of purchase. There are other options in regards to trailers too depending on your needs. Maybe instead of recreational usage, you have some livestock to move? Or traveling with a horse? Maybe you just want to travel across the country and live on the road? No matter what, there is an option for you. If you have horses that you travel around with, you can have space for them to be and for you to be and comfortably too.

There are even companies out there that will build you a custom trailer for whatever it is that you need. Bring whatever it is that you need along with you while you travel across America and don't hesitate to go to a nice camp ground for a night or two to relax in the living quarters that you had custom designed. Doesn't that sound fun? It is like building your dream home but for the road. Nothing can be better than that.

These trailers even reach out to the musicians across the country. With such comfort, it is better than that subpar van that smells like body odor and cheese. Feel like rock stars as you travel across the country. Add some fun furniture and cushy couches to make it like home. With fantastic options like this, who could ever deny themselves of something so awesome?

There are even families that travel across the country all year long and find these to be their homes. Going across the country enjoying every day life. Parents and children living together in one trailer with enough room for privacy. If that is what your dream is then why not make it come true? There are just so many options out there for people like me and you that there is no excuse not to get some sort of toy hauler. Doing the proper research will insure you the best for your money.

You can find a wide variety of toy hauler ideas on the internet. Toy haulers are a great way of transporting small cars when they need help getting around.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Check Out 3 3/4 inch GI Joe Battle Corps BEACH-HEAD Army Ranger Action Figure (1992 Hasbro)

3 3/4 inch GI Joe Battle Corps BEACH-HEAD Army Ranger Action Figure (1992 Hasbro) Review

3 3/4 inch GI Joe Battle Corps BEACH-HEAD Army Ranger Action Figure (1992 Hasbro) Feature

  • G.I. Joe A Real American Hero
  • One of the original 3-3/4 inch tall G.I. Joe figure from 1992 and long out of production.
  • Beach-Head Army Ranger with Shooting gun and other weapons!
  • Includes an exclusive mini-comic.

3 3/4 inch GI Joe Battle Corps BEACH-HEAD Army Ranger Action Figure (1992 Hasbro) Overview

G.I. Joe A Real American Hero, Battle Corps Series, Beach-Head Army Ranger action figure with shooting Gun and other weapons. Made by Hasbro in 1992 and long out of production.

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Update Post: Jun 05, 2010 04:10:17

Friday, June 4, 2010

10 Facts About Bird Bands

Have you ever wondered what that ring on your bird's leg is? And what about those cryptic numbers and letters on the rings? Are those some secret codes to the bird universe? Check out these Top Ten facts about bird bands to learn more.

  1. People have been banding (or ringing, as it is called in Europe) birds for centuries.

  2. The first record of a metal band attached to a bird's leg was about 1595 when one of Henry IV's banded Peregrine Falcons was lost in pursuit of a bustard in France. It showed up 24 hours later in Malta, about 1350 miles away, averaging 56 miles an hour!

  3. In America, John James Audubon tied silver cords to the legs of a clutch of Eastern phoebes in 1803 near Philadelphia. He identified the birds when they returned to that area the following year.

  4. Bands can be made of stainless steel, aluminum or plastic.

  5. Bands come in a variety of colors and sizes

  6. There are closed bands and open bands. Closed bands are seamless semipermanent bands placed on the bird at a very early age (2-3 weeks). As the bird grows, the leg becomes too big to slide out of the band. Open bands are usually bands placed on older birds with legs too large to fit inside a closed band. This may be an indication that the bird was wild caught. It may also be an indication that it was imported to the US.

  7. All parrots imported into the United States prior to the Wild Bird Conservation Act (1992) received closed bands while they were in a USDA-approved quarantine station. This was used to indicate that the bird was legally imported into the US and to identify the bird in the future. These bands will have an ID number and the quarantining station code on the band. It will have 3 letters and 3 numbers (ABC 123). Bird smugglers can be sentenced up to 5 years in prison and fined up to $20,000 per violation if convicted.

  8. Why was import banding started? A psittacosis pandemic swept the country (US) in 1929 and it was blamed on
    wild caught parrots imported as pets. Bands were implemented to identify birds that successfully passed through the 30 day quarantine stations. Some states at the time (California, Colorado and Connecticut) passed laws requiring that all parakeets (budgies) in their states be closed banded. The breeders were required to register with the state and issued coded leg bands to be placed on their hatchlings.

  9. An improperly applied open band can be dangerous. Verify the band is correctly close to prevent it from catching on items (Toys, ropes, etc). In most cases an improperly applied open band can be fixed by carefully closing the band. Special "Banding Pliers" should be used to apply or repair open bands to minimize the possibility of injuring the bird.

  10. Is there an AAC on your bird's band? The AAC most likely stands for Avicultural Advancement Council of Canada and your bird was likely banded in Canada.

The Author is the creator of the It's a webpage dedicated to Kibibi a Congo African Grey Parrot with parrot recordings, funny parrot videos, top ten lists, parrot jokes, clicker training info and a large database of parrot articles. For more articles about African Greys and other Parrots, check out Kibibi's Parrot Article Archive.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Check Out Aliens RHINO ALIEN Action Figure (1992 Kenner)

Aliens RHINO ALIEN Action Figure (1992 Kenner) Review

The Rhino alien is the remolded version of the Bull alien. Both are the same with the powerful head-ramming action and are similar in color. In addition,the Rhino alien comes with a comic book as well.

There is also another version of the Rhino alien that is completely silver and looks more like a Rhino. This figure is hard to find, for it was part of the KB Toys series of Kenner Aliens figures released in the later 90's. The colored Rhino alien was released around '94.

Recommended for your Kenner Aliens collection!

The "Mad Mind" has spoken.

Aliens RHINO ALIEN Action Figure (1992 Kenner) Feature

  • Aliens RHINO ALIEN Action Figure with Power Ramming Action!
  • Includes an exclusive Aliens Comic book.
  • Made for play with the 5 inches tall Aliens action figure line.
  • Made by Kenner in 1992 and long out of production.

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Update Post: Jun 03, 2010 03:30:06

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Check Out Minnie Mouse Deluxe Sewing Activity Set Pre (1992)

Minnie Mouse Deluxe Sewing Activity Set Pre (1992) Review

Minnie Mouse Deluxe Sewing Activity Set Pre (1992) Feature

  • Comes with standup doll, 8 outfits with accessories, 4 sewing cards
  • Lots of yarn

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Update Post: Jun 02, 2010 03:00:10

Popular Toys Of 1992 Story