Saturday, June 19, 2010

Check Out The Journeyman Project )Turbo By Presto Studios (Cd-rom - 1992)

The Journeyman Project )Turbo By Presto Studios (Cd-rom - 1992) Review

When this game came out there was nothing else like it. The photo-realistic and interactive environments were a concept not really explored back then, and the latter has since become a gaming staple. Just being able to do little things just flush the toilets was really cool. The development team really went out of their way to do the little things like this, that we all know makes a big difference in the end. To me this game is pure nostalgia at it's finest as well. This was one of the first games I've ever played on my first computer (an old Packard Bell), and certainly the first game that made a lasting impression on me.

The great thing about games like this is that they're like a good book. You actually became Gage Blackwood when you played. I don't really get immersed like that into games of today, which are more like anime movies by comparison. A lost art, for sure.

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Update Post: Jun 19, 2010 09:50:08

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