Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Activities For Kids Who Are Bored: The Boredom Bowl

How many days or even hours into summer break is it before you say "I'm bored. There's nothing to do!" Before you roll your eyes and sigh loudly, hoping Mom will get the hint, try this sanity saver: the Boredom Bowl. Choose a fish bowl, hat, or any other container. This will be your Boredom Bowl. Now, try to think of a bunch of summertime activities. What do you love to do on a hot summer day? Write on a piece of paper, fold it and drop it into the Boredom Bowl. It's that simple. What could you do if it's raining or you do something horrid, like break your ankle? Write it down! Think of things that are free, cheap, or even that cost a few bucks. Write each one on a separate piece of paper and put it in the bowl. Keep the bowl and several small pieces of paper on your desk or near your bed, so that the minute an idea pops into your head, you can write it down. Collect ideas and add to the bowl, so that by the time summer is here, you are ready. Whenever you think, "I'm bored!" reach in and pull out a boredom buster. Then, do it! Some ideas for boredom busters:

  • Go for a walk as a family (or with just one chosen family member.)

  • Go to the roller skating rink.

  • Play a board game (list each board game on separate pieces of paper.)

  • Read one chapter of a book.

  • Buy a new book.

  • Go to the library.

  • Go to a park (name each of the parks separately.)

  • Dance.

  • Do a craft (list them specifically.)

  • Take a class through (community education or a hardware store, perhaps.)

  • Race Dad to the end of the block.

  • Go for a bike ride.

  • Play hopscotch on the sidewalk.

  • Make up a story, one line at a time.

  • Take digital photos of all the family members doing something goofy.

  • Make a collage from magazine pictures and words.

  • Volunteer to wash the windows at a disabled or elderly neighbor's house.

Whining isn't really that much fun, but boredom stinks! The Boredom Bowl is a great way to get rid of both.

Stephenie is a mom of girls who love to find something fun to do every day. Visit Stephenie's site http://www.faith-filled.com

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