Sunday, July 4, 2010

Name Your Baby for the Stars

What do I name my baby? Along with minor things like, how will I support my child and oh my goodness the baby is how many pounds and coming through how big an opening, this is a question that plagues new parents today. More and more people are shooting for originality in the naming process, wanting to be certain that their child is unique, one who stands out from the crowd.

Of course, if you wanted to fit in, you could pick up one of the most popular baby names. For girls, the top ten includes (in order from #1 to #10): Emily, Emma, Madison, Abigail, Olivia, Isabella, Hannah, Samantha ,Ava, or Ashley. Boys can pick from: Jacob, Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Ethan, Andrew, Daniel, Anthony, Christopher, or Joseph. But these seem to blasé.

Why not go for a celebrity name? Jennifer ranks pretty high in 2005, although it has dropped significantly over the past fifteen years, falling from #8 in 1991 to #42 last year. Perhaps Ms. Anniston and J-Lo aren't considered worthy. Madonna didn't even make the grade of the top 1000 baby names; of course, most new parents today probably scarcely remember her. Then again, I wouldn't want my daughter's friends singing "Like a Virgin" every time she came to class. Paris has moved up on the charts significantly in the last three years. Perhaps new parents are hoping to find a claim to the Hilton fortune. But 'Brittany' seems to be in a downward trend. Maybe it will pick up as those teen girls get a little older.

Looking for a manly boys name to convey that rugged independence? How about 'Marley', which ranks as #467 in 2005? A big fan of 'The Princess Bride'? Go with 'Westley', and perhaps your son will turn out to be an adventuring pirate who bravely slays ROUSes. (Sadly, 'Buttercup' didn't make the list. Maybe 'Daisy'?) Since the tide of popular opinion has turned against Brad Pitt, the name 'Brad' will most likely continue to decline in popularity. Oddly, despite the former success of both Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks, the name 'Tom' hasn't even been among the top 1000 picks for nearly ten years. And thankfully, Eminem has escaped the top rankings, as well.

Celebrities come and go, but their names tend to stick around for a long time. You never know when Hollywood may be calling to your child, and giving them a head start may help. Then again, it may keep them safe at home.

Statistical information came from the Social Security Administration's baby name website.

Nola Redd, mother of three, is working on naming her next baby as we speak. A freelance writer, she posts several short stories and articles at This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

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