Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reviving the Classic Top Ten Laptop Computers

Through the many versions of desktop and laptop computers, a lot of people may not even have the time to look back at how they all started to evolve. Many of us may have forgotten which came first and which ranked as the top. Yet, every now and then, it pays off to commemorate the classical computer series that had made it to the top of the line. Would it not be useful and fun to track down how far our technology has improved?

A List of the Top Ten Classical Laptop Computers

Among the notable classic top ten laptops known for their influence, price, and popularity are as follows:

10. The TRS-80 Model 100 that came out in 1983. The unit was a petite single-piece component endowed with an 8-lined neutral LCD. This model was mostly bought and used by countless proficient writers. The influence it posed on the computer industry bazaar was truly remarkable. If only its shape had been imitated by today's computers, for sure, its manipulation will remain highly intact.

9. The Toshiba T-1000 that came out in 1987. This laptop has marked a renowned popularity and remarkable selling price. The unit was monochrome and weighed 3.5 kilograms.

8. The Zenith laptop computers which were popular in the 1980s. These days, these laptop models may not at all be interesting when it comes to the appearance but during the classic ages, these units were trendy and relatively stylish. They are nonetheless epitomes of the clamshell design still evident today.

7. The very first HP laptop computer unit launched in 1984. HP offered their first model for $3,000. Among the meaty features of the unit is the Lotus 1-2-3 packed into the machine's ROM so it was really fast in processing details. However, this model has been totally phased out in the entire history account of HP and most people consider the HP-75 chain of laptop computers to be the first in HP's laptop line.

6. The IBM 5140 Convertible laptop computer unleashed in 1986. Very affordable, the unit was only sold for $1,975. The fact that it was produced by IBM elicited great interest from the public. However, it cannot be regarded as a true-blooded laptop basing on the definitions most especially when its printer gets docked in the unit.

5. The Poquet laptop computer that was unleashed in between 1991 and 1992. The unit was amazingly real small but featured fully with innumerable characteristics.

4. The Toshiba Porteges laptops. These units were among the top-billing Toshiba products. The brand was reputed to have dominated the laptop industry for a number of years. The Porteges were very light laptop units and up to these days, Toshiba continues to market them.

3. The IBM ThinkPads which were unraveled in 1992 and continues up to the present. All models were met with success except that unit gifted with the butterfly keyboard form. IBM has also been regarded a top notch when it comes to laptop popularity and design.

2. The Texas Instruments LT286 or known as the CompuAdd Companion that dominated the 1990s. These units were among the first initiators of the modern super lightweight devices. These laptop computer types were styled as fabulous hard-disk-notebook.

1. NEC Ultralite laptops that came out in 1989. These units were regarded as the trendsetter for other models that followed after. It is highly possible that the machine will come out one of these days.

Moreover, the laptop computers existing today owe a great deal of influence to the classic top ten laptops. If without a pattern to follow, the modern laptops will not be honed to perfection.

Ahmed has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his latest website over at which helps people find the best scat mat and information about indoor pet training.

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